Enter Severus - Now With Pics


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Hi well you might remember me asking about a Heros Severus in my tank well just been to pick her up shes still in float at the moment. Awesome looking fish will get pics up when she has settled shes a bit gaspy at the moment but shes starting to try and get out the bag lol.

The guy I got her off...wow what a collection every type of severum under the sun in his tanks. He had tons of fish off my want list as well :lol: he had a big group of Krobia which he offered me a few of.... quite tempted he also had some adult Guinacaras and I tell you what I was just amazed at how big they get I thought they were adult at the sizes I had seen in a show tank where they were breeding but these were just huge. Lots of nice geos as well, gave me a good idea of the growth timescale I can expect for my 3.

Ill get pics up in an hour or two :)

Wooohooo good for you! I can't wait to see her. What a great adition to your tank congrats. :hyper:
:good: Great Wills, cant wait to see the pics.
Here we go :) - Just to clarify, she is a she even though she looks a bit like a he. Past owner has seen her lay eggs with a mate which was a suprise as he thought he had 2 male and 2 female but he had 1 male and 3 female and thats how he found out :lol: as a result she is called Lilly :) which is a nice name anyway :)

Here she is








Wills :)

*edit eeek sorry dirty glass
Nice, looks like she's wearing lipstick lol

How old is she? What size? (guessing ~ 5-6")
Looks great Wills, I hope your not attached to those plants :crazy: :lol:
haha thanks guys :) yeah shes about 6 inches maybe a bit bigger - she has massive massive fins plants have survived the night :) by the looks of things there seems to be no problems with the other fish, she is still a bit shy of us when we are near the tank but shes out round the front of the tank now exploring everything.

Really Happy to have her though :)

It was a guy I met through a different forum, hes a bit of a collector and he had this girl spare from his breeding pairs so offered it to me for free :)

Shes just been.....barking at me? Anyone elses sev do this? She was kind of digging in the sand then spat it out and was giving off a soft barking sound?
Harry does this sometimes, its like a coughing thing when he takes too much sand in trying to pick up food.
WOW Wills she is absolutely gorgous! so glad you got her.

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