enhancing color


New Member
Aug 13, 2004
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i wanted to know how can i enhance my bettas color...i recently just fed it some bloodworms and it seemed to have changed a little color? and tips? thanks
Don't know anything about Betta's, but can still help you with colouration.

I feed all my fishes with high-protein granules, and especially regular feeding of live foods, such as bloodworms, daphnia, and the odd greenfly/whitefly/blackfly I catch on plants.

However, please take into caution that live foods have their risks, and you should only feed your fishes such things if you're certain its safe to do so.

My fishes are very healthy, and colourful, and so no longer feed them fish flakes. :)
i heard ants and forzen peas are good for them is that true?
Some ants expel toxins when they're being attacked/eaten. I think its (very) risky feeding with ants. A healthy diet of veg and meats is always good. :)
im low on my budget...so if im going to a pet store...whats a good color to look for?
I'v found that food which claim to 'enhance' colour don't seem to work at all!

The best thing to do is offer a varried diet so you fish get a little bit of everything :thumbs:
I feed my betta freeze dried foods, and some frozen bw and brine shrimp and hikari pellets. I've heard that frozen peas (defrosted and chopped up) are good to feed sometimes when they seem bloated or constipated.
kribsinvcrib said:
Some ants expel toxins when they're being attacked/eaten. I think its (very) risky feeding with ants. A healthy diet of veg and meats is always good. :)
bettas are carnivorous. but they will eaat the occasional pea.

agree with doggfather-most of the comercial foods...dont really work. they say they are supposed to brng out the reds oragnes and yellows so, if they did work-they would only work on a warm colored betta.

i know color ehcnacer foods work for goldfish but i have never seen it in my bettas.
yeah flakes are like eating plain lettuce in my oppinion. Feeding a fish different types of food with different minerals give it the right diet to be able to produce mass of color and healthy fins and scales. Along with pristine water condition.

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