Endler's With Male Betta?

Hello, ~
I am setting up a fishtank for a betta (3,6 gallon) and i really would like to have a few male Endler's in the tank with him. could i pull this off in a tank this size? how many would be reasoneble? (i was thinking of only a really small amound depending on the betta.) otherwise maybe 2 red cherry shrimps? anyone bad experiance with these and a betta?

Liz_333 said:
Hello, ~
I am setting up a fishtank for a betta (3,6 gallon) and i really would like to have a few male Endler's in the tank with him. could i pull this off in a tank this size? how many would be reasoneble? (i was thinking of only a really small amound depending on the betta.) otherwise maybe 2 red cherry shrimps? anyone bad experiance with these and a betta?

Hi, this thread has not been answered since 2011, would advise you making a new thread yourself in and you'll have a much better chance of getting some responses.  :)

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