endler rescue

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Fish Herder
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
boston, MA
hi all!
i was at petsmart today and strolling through the fish tanks, i noticed a tiny little guy in with some gourami's and eel/snakelike things. upon closer inspection, i saw it was a male endler! he looked so lonely, i said i would take him. even better, they gave him to me for free!!
anyways i just brought him home and i am floating his bag inthe tank. the problem is that he seems to have this white growth on his tail fin. one nice raised, round spot that sticks out from the rest of his scales. i have not let him in the tank, and won't until i figure out what this is...if it's ich, i don't want to spread it. sould i keep him separate? i don't know if this is ihc, white spot, pox or what!
any advice for treating this would be greatly appreciated. i am going to try to get a pic, but my camera is acting up. please help my new little buddy!
It's not whitespot as their looks like grains of salt sprinkled on your fish, does it have any red edging to the spot or puss coming out of it.
it is one isolated spot, kind of off-white in color. he's so little, it sticks out from the side of his tail. i am going to keep him isolated and try some aquarium salt
That sounds fine for now let us no how it goes.
well, he is now in a 10 gal all by himself. he looks so tiny in there!!! i put the auarium salt in there and raised the temp. i had put in a divider, because he is so small and dont you know he found some way to get through it!!!!!i am planning to do daily water changes as the tank is not cycled (the tank is in the kitchen, so easy water access).
any more help/suggestions are welcome.
so. my little buddy gilligan is still isolated in my tank. temp is 80, he has been treated with salt (8 days), melafix (3 days) and anti-fungal meds (5-6 days). the bump/spot is still there!! he seems perfectly healthy, just a little lonely, any ideas? i also have an air stone in there and have been doing 25% water changes before i add the meds.

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