Endler And Normal Guppy Breeding?

The problem is that a shop won't know the parentage and even if someone has bred their own, if they got either parent fish from a shop they can't know either. The only way to be 100% sure is to get fish from a registered keeper. As you are in the US, google swamp river aquatics. That site belongs to a man who does have pure endlers. I don't know if he is selling any endlers at the moment, you could always contact him to ask. If he isn't selling, he may know someone who is.
this is one of my guppys that i have at the moment, it looks like it is an enlder cross guppy, im hoping to breed them as they look pretty cool
It does look like it may have a little bit of endler in it, if you look at the body colors.
yes it does, i have two like it, they are both stll young (about 3 months old) so there colours are still changing. ive got two endlers in my tank with my other guppies so they are all crossing over
I love endlers, can only get them here every once in a while, next time they have them I will get some. I have what I think is an endler cross, he was in the endlers tank, the only one like this and he's tiny. I have had him 2 months now. 


A lot of people frown upon crossing endlers with guppies. A lot of them are crosses anyway. I love them and will definitely get some more if they come back in at the LFS. Last time they were there were 2 months ago, before that it was last year so they are quite scarce around here. 
Ny, that's a tiger endler and they are hybrids not pure endler. I have one.
I knew it was a hybrid of some sort lol. Thanks for the info. 
helterskelter said:
Hi Everyone I used to keep pure endlers, back in 1995, think that was the last time i saw pure endlers too.
99.9999999% of endlers in shops are guppy x endler.

There are some specialist groups out there like endlers r us and on facebook
Thanks for the links helterskelter , Would you mind taking a look at my 'Trinidads' please. I would be interested to know what you as a 'wild livebearer' keeper/breeder thinks of them and your opinion on if they are pure or X's.

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