endangered fish


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
:eek: I have found two online shops in the uk selling Danio pathirana (barred danio)
These fish are on the IUCN red list of endangered fish link

Is this reportable? What can I do to report this? who do I report this to?

I have emailed both shops with the info I have asking them if they have a licence to sell endangered fish, if they even need one?
Plese help I think that if a fish is endangered then you shouldn't be able to sell/buy them.
I am pannicking as I am very concerned about the wild stocks :no:
Things to bear in mind are there are a few species that look rather like these, and fish sellers often sex up their stock - are you sure they are what they say they are? Were they tank bred - I've never kept these, but all the Danios I've ever kept, (many), were as easy to breed as, well, Danios!

It is also quite possible to get a licence to keep endangered fish. I had a CITES licence for holding/breeding Cæcobarbus Geertsii from 1992 - 1993.

If the fish are what they claim, and are wild caught, then I would think there has possibly been an offence committed somewhere. I'd be somewhat suprised though, I would expect people to be more careful then to advertise for sale knowingly, something like that.

Very common trops like the Cherry Barb, Barbus titteya are on the red list as well, (albeit "just" endangered not critical), but everbody sells them.

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