Empty, Cycled 10-gal


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
Will be having an empty 10-gal soon, and would like ideas. I have 2 community tanks already, so looking for something a little different. I have thought of a pair of brevis, but they are not affordable at this moment (lfs wants $18 each for them... too rich for my blood!LOL).
Any ideas???
Corydoras breeding tank. That's what ive done and im getting the cories soon.
Try puffers or snakeheads as long as you get the smaller varieties. Possibly piranha but maybe too big for your tank, in fact, definitely too big. Hmm... Maybe cool it and put in an Axolotl
How tall is it?

If it's over 16" then you could house a couple of angels. I'm not sure if 10 gallons is too little, but they are beautiful fish and if you get a pair theres every chance of angel fry :)
get some crabs and some goldfish...should be cool 2 watch..
goldfish..10 gallon :huh: :huh: they need 20 gallons each and 10 gallon extra for each one u add with it!!
(just what i have been told)

maybe a trio of dwarf puffers, they wont breed easily and they would love it in there planted up, there really fun and its cool when you feed them mussels and stuff :nod:
Maybe a pair of angels, until they get too big? Seems I've read they need like 20+ gal? I was thinking of maybe a pearl gourami, since they only get up to 4". Maybe a few otos with that? Not sure if that would be too big, though, as I'm not sure how active those are.
I'm pretty sure the goldfish would get too big for a 10-gal too. thanks though!
I get the feeling am asking for the impossible....
how about: 2 honey gouramis (1male,1female) , 3 ottos, 4 female sunset platys

yh that wud be nice

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