Empty 4ft What To Breed In It?

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Fish Herder
Nov 27, 2006
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Hi all,My 4ft has no living creatures in it anymore and would love to breed a cichlid.I will be settin up a fish house soon so frowouts etc wont be a problem.My question is,What cichlids could i breed? could someone give me a list please.Thanks,Ben.Also i would want to breed something thats easy to sell.Like cons i think round my area they sell easy.So could someone just write down a quick list for me:) thanks :good:
Maybe just check out what fish your LFS never have but you are sure would sell if they had them. I hear that Cockatoos are common in many stores in the UK, but I have never seen an Apistogramma in my city, so I am going to get some to see if they'll buy some. I don't really think that there are many Central or South American Cichlids that LFS would buy that readily though, if your main focus is to sell them to stores I would breed Africans.
I think in a 40 gal, i think you can breed

Pair of :

Sajica's/ T- Bar Cichlid
Blue Eyed Cichlid
Convicts ( This is an option, but your better off choosing another species)
Firemouth Cichlid

These cichlids get to about 6 inch max in size, so a 40 Gal i would say is a comfortable minimum size.
Ummm, I think from the fish i mentioned, they all can take crushed flake, very finely crushed. For when I had convict fry, I bought some already done fine flake food for fry, I used to put a VERY small amount into a small glass, adds some tank water to it, a very little. and then I used the small pipettes that you get with meds to suck it up, and then I squirted it near the fry. The parents will proly attack u yes, unless u separate the fry from them once they become free swimming(as thats when they want food)

Once they get abit bigger, near 1cm or so, I crushed up some baby cichlid pellets and fed them that.

using live bbs is best for most nutrition and quick growth. But i done fine with flake and the pellets. Though I do remember feeding decapsulated brine shrimp eggs on occasions, but not much at all.
Gold Severums
Convict cichlids (also knowen as the Zebra cichlid)
Gold Severums
Convict cichlids (also knowen as the Zebra cichlid)

Mate, you cant put a pair of severums in a 40 gallon, 55 gallon is reccomended just for 1 of them fullly grown. Severums usualy take some time to pair as well, so you would need to buy a group of them, probably 6 of them. and a 40 gallon is not suitable for this. the other option is to buy a breeding pair from someone, these will most likely be large already.

40 Gallons is not suitable for severums, FULL STOP. It just too small and not fair on the fish

IF you read this Guide it verifies what I have said
Here for my LFS, if I were looking to breed to sell back to them, I would do rams (Blue or Bolivian), apistos (it's very rare that my LFS has them), angels or African cichlids. Even still, I had some kribs spawn and brought the fry in and only got $1 in store credit for each of them. Better than nothing and it was fun to watch them spawn and raise the fry. I would ask your LFS what they recommend since they're the ones that you hope to sell to. I have asked my LFS before and they were awesome about helping me pick stuff out to breed (I never ended up doing it, but it was fun to think about the options).
i may go for convicts.And just seperate the adults if they are breeding to much or maybe kribs.Nver had much luck with rams.I love apistogrmma but never kept them let along breed them.

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