Empty 10 Gallon


New Member
Dec 18, 2007
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I have an empty 10 gal, sitting outside as we speak. I was thinking about setting it up, and either making it a planted tank, betta tank, or some other species only tank ...

I'm not too big on keeping it as a breeding/quarantine tank since I'm sure if an issue comes up I can get small 2.5 gal for quarantine and I have a net and a insert for breeding (I'd put it in my 20 gal long tank.) SO .. what to do with my 10 gal? any suggestions?
I'm a sucker for planted tanks. All of my tanks are planted. Put some and some wood and rocks. I'd get a few orange or red fish, like 2 or 3 platys. You could put more, but usually a few fish is all you need for a planted tank. PRETTY! :D
I got a new five. Anyway, recommendations? Perhaps platies, I had the same idea, or a female betta tank, with ADFs (if compatible) or dwarf puffers, or oto cats.
ok so planted with a few fish, do you know of any good resources or books I can read up on? I'm new to the planted world and the different substrates are confusing me honestly...

I was thinking about stocking it with either:

2 honey gourami
4-6 dwarf cories


3-6 sparkling gourami
4-6 dwarf gourami OR X cherry red shrimp (if I can find at a good price)


1 male crowntail betta
2-3 female betta's (assuming they get along in such a small space)
a few shrimp maybe? (with enough hiding places of course)

are those ok?

I'm partial to my gourami's if you haven't noticed :blush:

Also, which is better: sand or gravel (the biggest question I've been trying to find an answer for), or rather ... what's the difference?
I know cories should have a sand bottom because of their wiskers (forgot the technical name), but besides that ... what are the pro's /cons of each?
no male bettas with the females unless you're planning to breed.

A tank of 10gallons would be nice with say... 5 Female bettas, 2 sparkling gouramis and some snails to keep up with the anglea, aswell as a=the tank being planted.
no male bettas with the females unless you're planning to breed.

A tank of 10gallons would be nice with say... 5 Female bettas, 2 sparkling gouramis and some snails to keep up with the anglea, aswell as a=the tank being planted.
Can females bettas live with gouramis? :unsure:
Planted tank with a male betta. I just moved my betta from his 5 gallon home to a 10 gallon. Or a school of neon tetras. Have fun with it!
I like the idea of frogs or cories.

I love the dwarf gourami but had not much luck with them. They seem to be prone to disease. Even when I go to the stores they look ill and some are obviously passing over. This is my opinion only. I will never buy them again.
Planted tank with a male betta. I just moved my betta from his 5 gallon home to a 10 gallon. Or a school of neon tetras. Have fun with it!

would he mix well with cories? or shrimp? I never did like the idea of the "lone betta" in a tank, I know I'd go nuts if I were alone in a tank! :unsure: Granted fish are different then folks, but you get the idea.

2 honey gourami
4-6 dwarf cories

That would be my choice, but I would prefer larger corys. :)

well, my 3 faves were panda, skunk and dwarf, but I think 4-6 panda or skunk cory would be overkill in a 10 gal wouldn't it?

I like the idea of frogs or cories.

I love the dwarf gourami but had not much luck with them. They seem to be prone to disease. Even when I go to the stores they look ill and some are obviously passing over. This is my opinion only. I will never buy them again.

Never been a fan of frogs, cute, but no ... same with Tetra's and guppies, too cutsie and common (... so's the betta but thats a little different kinda :rolleyes: ). Thats a shame about the dwarf gourami's, I prolly should look into the disease prone-ness of my honey or sparkling gourami's... while I know each fish and tank are different, its something to need to know anyways, thanks!

I just noticed an error!!! I said :
3-6 sparkling gourami
4-6 dwarf gourami OR X cherry red shrimp (if I can find at a good price)

I DEFINATELY ment dwarf cory! not gourami!!! Sorry! :blush:
Hi Ziggi :)

I think you could keep 5-6 C. pandas and a pair of honey gouramis in your tank since they are both small fish. The skunk corys (C. arcuatus) are good fish, but a little larger when they are mature. Other small corys, that are much easier to find and keep than the dwarfs, include

C. metae (bandits)


C. melini:


Another nice one, but a little more difficult to find in the lfs is the C. axelrodi:

Hi Ziggi :)

I think you could keep 5-6 C. pandas and a pair of honey gouramis in your tank since they are both small fish. The skunk corys (C. arcuatus) are good fish, but a little larger when they are mature. Other small corys, that are much easier to find and keep than the dwarfs, include

C. metae (bandits)


C. melini:


Another nice one, but a little more difficult to find in the lfs is the C. axelrodi:


I dont know, I'm still worried about the size ... I keep seeing 2'' in certain places, but I'll go see how the ones at the store are doing ... I just dont want my fish cramped (which was why I was going for the pygmy cory and maybe some shrimp...) but those are so cute! :blush:

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