Emporer Tetra


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
I have been advised that I should add to my 3 Emporer Tetra, but have read that they are not really schooling fish.

What are your thoughts?

Does there need to be more of them even if they do not stick together?
Emperors tend to take their security within plants more then in numbers. As far as characins go these guys can be considered territorial. As long as you have the appropriate cover for them you have no need to add more. How many to keep depends largely on the size of the tank too.

Does there need to be more of them even if they do not stick together?
Most shoaling fish will loosen up and spread out in the tank if the conditions are right and they are not stressed. Under normal living conditions they're happy enough to just have other members of it's group within eyesight. Only under duress do they tend to close up as a tight shoal.
My tank's 47.5 USG and has plenty of well developed plants for them to shelter behind. They don't seem at all stressed and while they do occasionally swim together, they generally just explore the tank on their own and are very active.

I assume the person who suggested getting more, saw "Tetra" and made an assumption.

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