Emperor Tetras


Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
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has anyone any tips on breeding these i just got today 3males and 3 females who have been breeding the past couple of days
just put them in a tank with some plants and they will do the rest. They scatter eggs in plants and a day or so later the eggs hatch. The fry are free swimming a few days later and can be fed on infusoria or fry foods for a week. Then newly hatched brineshrimp can be offered as well as the fry food.
The adults don't need any special requirements to breed, just good water quality and a well balanced diet. The fish will mature and breed when they feel like it.
thanks they habe been breeding the last few days from previous ownerthat i got them from. i have 3males and 3females one is a very bright gorgeous dominant male.
will adults eat fry im assuming they will and will have to be moved before hatching??
thanks for reply :good:
yep the adults will eat the fry (baby fish). They also eat the eggs if they can find them.
If you have another tank then move the plants or adults out. Then you should see some fry swimming around the tank in a few days time.

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