Emperor Tetras With Yoyo Loach?


Feb 1, 2009
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The tank:
46 gallons, bow front.

Currently home to:
-4 yoyo loaches
-11 serpae tetras
-1 angel fish
-2 african butterfly fish.

Looking to add a school of ~8-10 Emperor Tetras.

##150### is warning me that the yoyo loaches will be too aggressive to be housed with Emperor tetras, is this actually the case?.

Before I plan to add more tetras to this tank, I need to tackle my plants issues, but I'm procrastinating getting my essays done right now by making a 3-month plan for this tank :p.
In my experience, emperor tetras are about the same as serpae. If the serpae are fine, the emperors will be too. If you get the emperors, make sure all fish are of the same species, there are a couple of similar species and they are sometimes sold mixed. One of the species is considerably more aggressive than the real emperors.
In my experience, emperor tetras are about the same as serpae. If the serpae are fine, the emperors will be too. If you get the emperors, make sure all fish are of the same species, there are a couple of similar species and they are sometimes sold mixed. One of the species is considerably more aggressive than the real emperors.

How can I ensure that they're all going to be the same species? Ae there distinguishing characteristics?
Yes, it will be fine. I used to house some lovely Emperor Tetras with my group of Yoyos and they got on very well :good:
If you get the emperors, make sure all fish are of the same species, there are a couple of similar species and they are sometimes sold mixed. One of the species is considerably more aggressive than the real emperors.
How can I ensure that they're all going to be the same species? Ae there distinguishing characteristics?

The wrong species has a soft dorsal fin, as well as the usual one. Emperor tetras (Nematobrycon palmeri), have only the hard dorsal (the normal dorsal) and no soft dorsal. The colouration is also different, but the most reliable way to tell is by looking at the fins.
If you get the emperors, make sure all fish are of the same species, there are a couple of similar species and they are sometimes sold mixed. One of the species is considerably more aggressive than the real emperors.
How can I ensure that they're all going to be the same species? Ae there distinguishing characteristics?

The wrong species has a soft dorsal fin, as well as the usual one. Emperor tetras (Nematobrycon palmeri), have only the hard dorsal (the normal dorsal) and no soft dorsal. The colouration is also different, but the most reliable way to tell is by looking at the fins.

Is it possible for you to post pictures of what a "hard dorsal" and "soft dorsal" would look like?
Here: http://www.fishlore.com/Pictures/FishAnatomy.gif
As Kitty Kat says the Emperor Tetra(Nematobrycon palmeri)has the dorsal fin but the Purple Emperor tetra (Inpaichthys kerri)has a dorsal fin and a small adipose fin between the dorsal and tail fins (Blue in males and red-orange in females).
I've only kept the Purple Emperor but got rid of them after a while as the dominant male was very territorial chasing all my other fish from the centre of the tank and stressing them out.Both are lovely fish though. Check out the links.



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