Emperor Tetras Bullying Issues?


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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I own 6 Emperor Tetras 3 females and 3 males. Am having issues with the males chasing males/females around the tank a lot. More so with the females, I have one female that does not seem to be eating as she gets chased around quite abit and tends to hide from the males.

Is there anyway of fixing this?

Could I be adding more females in to balance this?
I'd deffo add some more, I have noticed that my partners are similar but it's more balanced out as he has a huge group of them :lol:
I'd deffo add some more, I have noticed that my partners are similar but it's more balanced out as he has a huge group of them

So overall more tetras or more females? I was going to add another 6 of them.
6 more Emperor Tetras sounds goods, making sure no more than one of the newcomers is a male, so you have two females per male in a group of 12. Things should be good after the quarantining period for the newcomers.
6 more Emperor Tetras sounds goods, making sure no more than one of the newcomers is a male, so you have two females per male in a group of 12. Things should be good after the quarantining period for the newcomers.

Thanks, I'll be after another bunch of females then.

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