Emmas Rio 125l (33us Gallon) Planted Adventure

Ive often been told that loaches will eat them but Ive also been told that they wont eat them. They will try to but the MTS shells are too tough for them to break and can damage their ´teeth´.

I dont have loaches so no worries there but I do like the dwarf chain loaches.

I wouldnt think that the problem with uprooting was down to the reduction in numbers but more to do with the plants taking root properly. I would rephrase the ´uprooting´ as its more a case of loosening the stems that are planted pre rooting.

I never have aproblem with my plecs in the tank re plants coming up but they do make themselves a bowl in the tank where they spend most of their time and therefore the sand is proba ½cm deep where this bowl is whereas it is 2cm deep in most other places.

They do make the bottome natural looking though with all the dips and peaks they create but you dont have too much chance of retaining any manmade slopes etc.


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