Ok, figured its time to update this since its been over a month and the tank has changed a bit and we've had some surprising developments. Here is what the tank currently looks like.
Whats happened in the last six weeks
Shortly after I last updated this thread, I had my first problem. Some of the peices of P. Trichomanes started to get fuzzy. I made a thread on a different forum that has a emersed plant section. You can read it
here if you want. Was given a couple different answers as to why things where starting to get fuzzy. Thinking it might be fungus I tried doing some spot treatments with a anti-fungus fish med. Lets just say I killed more of the fuzz applying the med than the med did itself
. One important thing to note is that I was told I had the water level too high and that it should be below the substrate. So I lowered it.
Then for about 4 weeks I barely touched this tank(I was busy). I misted it about once every 3 days, which took about 15sec. I would mabey look at it for a minuet, but that was it. The fuzzy stuff continued to slowly spread. It grew on the wood, the dead plants I never took out, the sand, and the P. Trichomanes. It grew the most in the shaded areas and took on a white color in some areas, But over all it remain very thin. One day I decided it was mold, which isn't really surprising considering the wet humid environment the tank is, complete with dead wood and some dead plants. In hindsight bias I should of saw it coming.
So for about 5 weeks things got moldy, mainly the P. Trichomanes. Which confused me since it was growing quite well. All the growths that where coming out of it where turning brown then molding and dieing.
about 6 weeks ago
about 1 week ago
Whats happened in the last week
I finally got around to doing some research on how to control mold. I ran across a article, about a guy in Australia using slugs to keep his bathroom mold free. So you can guess what happened next, two native Wisconsin slugs took up residence in this tank. I don't care for either slugs or mold, but at least slugs move slowly.
Things I've learned: Wisconsin's slugs aren't as helpful as Australia's slugs, they will eat pennywort but not mold. Currently they are still in the tank and seem to be doing fine.
About 5 days ago I started to notice something, things where growing again even the P. Trichomanes! Since then things have taken off and I have noticed some surprising things. More so I think I know why the P. Trichomanes started dieing in the first place.
What died
What grew back
I'm thinking that P. Trichomanes might actually be a aquatic plant, it appears to have two different forms of growth. When I had the water higher it was growing in its submersed form. I dropped the water level so the P. Trichomanes died back and grew mold, then regrew in its emersed form. There is a piece left in my planted tank, its still tied to a rock and hasn't die or grown or even attached itself to anything yet.
Also it has started to spread! I can't figure out how it spreads since its so tiny but its spreading.
The Fissidens zippelianus(?) is also spreading too.
The pennywort looks like it has set up a flower bud.
And lastly the long dead pellia has come back to life. Its been black for two months moldy for one, but I guess it wasn't dead. It looks alot different than when it died, so I'm thinking it might have a emersed form too.
I think it did pretty good for a tank I've barely touched