
Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
My female betta jumped out of the tank on the desk. I saw she was missing and found her behind the desk. She jumped onto the glass of the tank fell off onto the floor and flopped behind the desk. I almost didn't see her. She's got a bunch of crap all over her. Like dog hair and carpet fibers. What do I do to get it off of her?

I have her in a shallow glass so she doesn't have to move much.
Hmm very hard subject. Try and actually pull whatever off that you can in the shallow glass. Then once I did that I would use a stress reliever in a simi-big tank so maybe she can swim it off with a filter in there perhaps. I think she will do ok, just keep an eye on her and see what happens.
Gosh, after she was so stressed, I would just leave her be. Her slime coat is probably in hyperdrive because of all the irritants, and so they're gonna be major stuck to her. However, there is a plus, she should be able to slough it all off as soon as her slime coat gets going and regenerates. Take care to keep her water clean, and she will hopefully be fine. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
i hope she gets betta (scuse the pun)
I Would leave her alone in the Shallow Cup. Or in a Large Jar.

When My Male Jumped out of his pen pals Tank, I found him in the Bin Covered in Crap. HE sloughed it off and is regrowing his fins.

I did less frequent water changes (Only every 2 Weeks, So he was not stressed)and added salt to help him, It worked and is back to his normal self.

Hope she gets better quick.
Everything is off of her this morning. She only has one nick in her fin but it changed colors :/ . Don't know what that means. Half of her fin is the normal color and the other half is really dark dark blue.

She's in a half gallon. I may put her back with the other fish today. Just gotta make sure it's covered better

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