Emergency With Geophagus

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Fish Herder
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
Rye, East Sussex
hey guys just fed the fish and noticed this today on one of my geophagus. what i expect has happened has been a bit of agression with another one of the bigger geophagus but heres a picture:

i was thinking melafix as it does appear to be a cut and not HITH and i've never had issues with water conditions i did my regular WC yesterday of 25%, the tank is a rio 400 with an eheim 2028 and eheim pro 3 2080.
Almost looks like a blister. Melafix will help keep out any secondary infection. A bit of rock salt will also help. One table spoon per five gallons.
I with the above. That looks like severe HITH. Was this a marking that showed up overnight, or something that has grown over time? If it showed up overnight, I would be inclined to think that its a burn or blister. If it gradually got to that point, then it is more than likely HITH.

As already asked, what are your water parameters? Tank size? Other occupants? Recent additions?
hey thanks for the responses guys, but the fish died several hours later. for the questions this did appear over night, fed them at 7pm all happy and then in the morning found being eaten by a pleco.
This wouldn't be HITH, it doesn't occur to that extent over night. It was most likely the result of a bite.

Very sorry for your loss.

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