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Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2005
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I have had my female in the glass jar with the male in the main tank for 24 hours now! i just looked in their now and i saw her laying eggs! in the glass jar what do i do?
sounds like youve left it too long and she has released some.
parrot_man said:
this is my pair not my mates!
"I went down to my lfs today and bought myself a male and a female betta! the male is the the tank (5 gallon) with a polystyrene cup in the corner, gravel and a few plants! The female is in a large clear plastic cup in the tank! the male is going crazy around her! she hasn't shown any vertical bars yet, how long should it take? when will he start to build his bubblenest?"
and yet you posted this a mere three days ago?
I um... think we're all missing something here.
I thought you pulled her out and completely separated her.

Why the heck is she still in the glass inside his tank?
Is there more to the story than we're getting here? :grr:
You need to separate them completely now as she has lost her eggs, so they can't see eachother and condition for 2 weeks on live/frozen food. Then you can try the process again.

In that time you are conditioning look on as many sites as you can about spawning, there is lots of info around to help you.
They're right. You've lost your chance with that female. She won't have the eggs or the drive for AT LEAST two weeks for spawning. Separate them completely and feed them both live or frozen food and keep their water extremely clean. Spend the next two weeks conditioning them and getting ready for their fry...that means having food for the fry on hand, collecting jars, and doing all the research you can possibly do.

Raising Betta fry isn't easy. There's a lot of things that can go wrong. Just make sure you're ready for every possible eventuality...or you will probably fail, and they will die.
I'm going to go ahead and say it, because apparently no one else is willing to be this honest with you: If you don't have the patience or maturity to do this right, you don't need to do it at all. The way you talk it doesn't seem like you realise that these bettas are living things and it's your responsibility to take care of them properly and keep their best interest in mind at all times. Either straighten up, think about what you're doing, and take responsibility for the lives that are in your hands, or give up the idea, because you're doomed to fail anyway if you keep doing things the way you're doing them.
Research, wait a few weeks, then try again only if you're 100% certain of what you're doing.
I do agree with Synirr, largely, but I don't believe that there is anything we can say to talk you out of this. And, since there is nothing we can do to stop you, I'd rather you have the right information than the wrong information, because it could mean life or death for your fish, and I don't believe your fish should suffer unduly if there is anything we can say or do to help them to NOT suffer.

Which is why I will consistently give you the information you ask for, whether I agree with what you are doing or not.

I just ask that you at least consider our advice, because many of us have been breeding Bettas for a while, or at least have done our research and THEN raised our spawns, and we have a lot of knowledge you could draw upon if you chose to listen to us. This could be an invaluable sort of knowledge and advice if you would follow the advice given...and that means giving your pair time to eat well, have clean water, and ready themselves for the enormous task of spawning.
Parrotman, I'm under the impression that you have put no forethought into betta breeding, nor have you done nearly enough research. You basically just bought two fish and decided you wanted to breed them. They're from the same pet store, so they're probably related. They haven't been with you long enough to quarentene, so breeding is out of the question. They aren't conditioned. They are in the same tank, only separated by glass, so they are under stress. And instead of reading up, buying your supplies, etc, you're taking advantage of the knowledgeable people here who have to waste their time councilling people like you through a breeding that won't suceed anyways.

I personally do not think you should breed fish. At all. You've displayed no knowledge on the subject, you've handled the breeding so far in a rushed and immature fashion, and you seem to have no regard for the welfare of the animals you are breeding. :/

Take a big step back, think it over, and reconsider.

edit: Nicely said, Kiarra.
Well Synnir, Kiarra, and RandomWiktor read my mind. Parrot Man, no offense, but you seem to rush in right away. I mean I soooooooooo badly wanted to breed my two bettas after I've had them for two months or so. But I waited for an entire SIX! months just to breed them in the summer. I've been very patient so in 2 months, my two bettas will finally spawn woot!
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