emergency: sick betta


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi everyone :D i need some hlpe with this sick betta of mine :(

acutally it's my friends, i gave it to him to take care of for a few weeks nad he took him to my house today and told me he was sick and he couldnt figure out why.

He kept him in a small container and did regular water changes about every few days, using dehclorianted water and all that. Today, at my house we put him ina bigger tank (one of those betta starter kit things), but i still notice that he's very listless, cramped tails, depressed looking, always sitting on teh bottom, but most of all,


never knew it was possible fo ra betta, and i didn't bleieve it when my firend told me. But i watched him closely today and noticed hims pitting stuff out (when he wasnt' fed anything), it's just this brown fuzzy stuff that comes out.

I fed him, he deosn't seem to like his food. i put in some aqiarum salt and melafix, not sure if it'll do anything but it is worth a try.

if anyone has ANY ideas to how to make him more lively, PLEASE post :-(
It could be an internal injury. You should do a 100% water change and add a drop of Melafix per gallon to the water. Keep his bowl/container in a quiet place and dinly lit place. Then do a complete water change 2 days later with another drop of Melafix per gallon. Then do it one more time 2 days later and let sit for 2 more days. Then do a 100% water change.
wow this is really weird, ive never heard or read about something this weird. im sorry about your sick fish and would like to know what happens and how you cured or possibly(please no) didnt.

EDIT: Petsgalore, please introduce yourself in the newbies section, not in the middle of somebodies post on how their fish is dying, that was extremly rude.
yeah h'es really starting to scare me :S i just heard a big "clunk clunk clunk" noise beside me so i turned to see my betta expelling bubbles ors omething from his GILLS....which is weird, he's still completely still (not even the front fins are moving), really dull/listless..and now it looks like he has hte hiccups!

his tail is completely clamped together...and he barely swims around. Thanks for the advice guys, i'll try the whole water changing thing (did a 100% water change on him today, using water from my 25G which is healthy and established), added salt + melafix...i'll keep it up until i see some changes in him.

Wish me luck guys, he's been a tough little guy, i hope he pulls through this. :/ :X
i agree with itty in that its probably an internal injury:( dont know if theres anyhting you can do about that. maybe feed some medicated food to avoid parasites gathering on the injury?:(
all you can do right now is make sure he is very warm and perhaps add a little aquarium salt. maybe some stresscoat or novaqua too?

i hope he gets better...or passes without any pain :sad:
damnit, that make sme really sad. I just ntoiced a bit SPLIT down his tail too (the ones under his belly, can't remember what they're called...anal fins or something?) anyways, it's a big split, i dont know what cuased it, nor do i know what my firend DID to him :crazy:

he is still very dull and listless....no more puking incidences yet, or hiccups...he just...suspends in the water for a long period of time...:huh: personally i don't think he's doing very well.
heya :D the little fellow is fine now and has gone back to home with my friend :D he started to eat a few days afterwards (i have no clue what got him eating though :/) he just started to eat and evenutally he was all better!

Well that is good news and i believe he was lucky to get through it. I recently lost a gourami with similar symptoms we fought hard for the poor little guy as he became sicker and sicker. He was throwing up a clear stringy material. I believe is was a parasitic infection that has gone to far and had done serious internal damage that he was unable to overcome. He was fairly new to our home but it was sad to lose him as he was certainly a character.
wahoo for your betta ^^, my betta did that for one day too then he just got better all of a sudden -_- bettas :grr: <makes playful face not "grr"

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