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Please can someone help us; our fish tank has a severe water condition that we cannot seem to rectify.
Yesterday (Sunday) we did a routine test of the tank for Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite and PH levels only to find they were all sky-high.
We had done a thorough 25% water change on the Wednesday without any noticable differences.
After seeking advice from our local aquarium we proceeded with their treatment:
50% water change using Tap Safe
Removal of as much waste in the tank as possible
Installed an additional 2 air pumps with lines scattered around the tank
Switched off all lights
Stopped feeding
Administered Stress Coat as per the bottle's measures
Unfortunatley we have now lost 2 of our fish to a slow death.
Our remaining fish (2 oscars and a royal pleco) are still poorly.
We tried following the instructions given within our Interpet instruction manual where it states; The emergency removal of the fish to water of a similar chemistry but nitrite and ammonia free. The fish should be gradually introduced to reduce the stress'
The fish we tried to 'save' via this method immediately went into shock and subsequently died a short while later.
We have a 260ltr tank with one under gravel filtration system and one Tetra Tec external filter, both of these has been thoroughly cleansed as per usual.
Advice was given by a second Aquarium informing us to repeat 25% water changes on a daily basis until levels returned to normal.
Our Ammonia level is now below zero which we were told is the first sign of impending normallity?
We have now carried out our second water change (25%) within a period of 36hrs.
Each time we change the water our Ammonia level drops (from high to low- now settled at zero), but this seems to throw the rest of the levels out (nitrite is @ 4.0, nitrate is @ 2.5, and ph is @ 8.5).
The temperature of the tank is 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please can someone offer us advice