Emergency, my eel


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2005
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I posted once already in emergencies, but i figure some of you guys here might have some more info.

My tyre track eel is almost white! When I saw him last night he looked a little light, but thought nothing of it because he "changes color" and looks like that a lot! He's not breathing hard, and he swims ok, he's a little mad now cause I lifted up the ornament he hides under to get better look (more than his nose).

I'm so worried, what causes this what should I do?? All I can think it could be is something he ate.

water parameters: pH = 7.0; NO2 = 0; NO3 < 5; NH3/NH4 = 0.

I'm doing a partial water change now and ading some salt, BTW there is nothing wrong with the goldfish in the tank.
Yes, absolutely, the temp stays a constant 75 deg F. I've done a water change, added some salt, turned off the lights, and covered the tank with a blanket in case this is stress.

I'm trying to put together a bigger tank ASAP, if it is stress I can't think of any cause other than tank size. He shares a 15H with a small comet, the tank is moderately planted with decorations, so there are plenty of hiding places.

I peeked under the blanket and caught him out from under his hidey spot, so I guess that is a good sign. I feel so bad, I just hope he is ok.
Wanted to let everyone know the eel is ok, he has gone back to having his normal coloration this morning.

I know mother nature provides a few changes in camoflauge to help him eat (or not get eaten) in the wild, but has anyone ever seen an eel turn so light in color? I think he is pretty happy, he always has a good appetite and comes out to the glass whenever you are near the tank...Such a strange thing to have happened.
stop using salt with him and it's not good mixing goldfish with tropicals at all.

using salt with non brackish scaleless fish is very bad for them.

get that bigger tank going ASAP as thats only going tro be suitable up to about 10" and IME they grow fast.
The eel is only about 5.5 inches now, I think he is all right, plans are underway for a bigger tank as soon as I can. The goldfish is in a better place now than being torn apart and eaten, some of us learn as we go and we do the best we can.

From what I have read and heard, tyre track eels can be housed in freshwater or brackish, and I only added 4 teaspoons of NaCl to the tank as I changed the water. It is truly impossible for us to know the scope of everything that can exist/buildup in our tanks between water changes, which is why partial changes still should be done even if parameters are good. I do not think that small amount of salt is harmful to the fish, but the jury remains out between the two schools of thought that revolve around the addition of salt to freshwater tanks.
Just to let you know, I would heed the advice of Paul_MTS, he does this stuff for a living. What type tank was the gold fish in? I suggest getting him his own bowl for long term suvivorbility. The Eel has no scales so salt is definately a bad thing, and yes a bigger tank is needed unless you plan on keeping him by his self. The gold fish is a cold water fish and sholudn't be kept in a tropical tank, room temp is just fine for him. Tropical fish would be better off being closer to 80 then 75, but thast depends on what fish you have. It is hard to regulate the temp/wate conditions if you have fish from different climates and regins.

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