Mollies are fine. I caught wilds in water harder than that. Platys, swordtails - a lot of species.
Thanks, i've had quite enough with live bearers and believe me at first i tried them all. Just don't know what to get that would be okay, i like the idea of something small but have been around and around and there is always something that isn't right eg. zebra danios are said to be okay but must have dark substrate is that trueMollies are fine. I caught wilds in water harder than that. Platys, swordtails - a lot of species.
I intend giveing away the mollies to a friendYou said earlier than you already have male mollies, hatchet fish, a bristlenose and kuhli loaches. If those are in the tank now, it's fully stocked.
But if you intend rehoming the soft water fish (everything except mollies), then yes, platies. If the 60 litre tank is 60 cm long, it's a bit small for swordtails.