Emergency! Help Required Now. Please Help!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
Solihull UK
My gorgeous Betta is poorly. Hes normally such a healthy rowdy greedy little fish. But hes just not himself. He wouldnt even eat bloodworm this morning.

He has lost some length off his fins and you can see a a dark line where he has lost bits. And now it looks like he is gasping near the surface.

I did a full water change yesterday and put some anti fungus finrot med in but he looks even worse today.

Can anyone give some advice.
Do you have a test kit to post water stats?

Its actually my g/fs fish...i have a test kit but i need to find it and im at work at the moment.

Its a non filtered tank but gets water change every 3-5 days.

Same water as ever and its declhorinated.
any signs of illness

hes just not himself.

He wouldnt even eat bloodworm this morning.

He has lost some length off his fins

you can see a a dark line where he has lost bits.

it looks like he is gasping near the surface.

This will give you a good idea of where to start. You can use these websites to determine, by looking at the explinations of syptoms, what your fish is suffering from.



Match up your fishes symptoms then decide which illness(s) you think it is suffering from. Your fish can be suffering from more then 1 affliction at a time.

Then pick out a medication that covers the symptoms your fish is exhibiting. There are alot of medications that cover a wide range of symptoms, so try to pick 1 that covers them all, or 2 that does...you don't have to have a different medication for each symptom.

http://www.healthybetta.com/easymeds.html (this website gives instructions for 1 gallon dosages, instead of only 10 gallons as prescribed by the labels.)

These websites offer a more advanced selection of medications, with better explinations of each usage.
http://www.fishjunkies.com/Medications/ (medications)
http://www.fishjunkies.com/Infections/bacterial.php (antibiotics)

Good Luck!

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