Emergency, Concerned For Life Of 5 Tropical Fish

I agree with eagle, I'm pretty sure it's an opaline as mine looked like that. Definetly not a dwarf, and I wouldn't keep a opaline in anything less than a 20 long, preferably 30...as they grow 5-6". I'd rehome the rainbows and keep the gourami if that's your only option. Or better yet, rehome them all and go buy a nice betta and 5-6 Pygmy corydoras.
All these fish will really need to be reformed. None of them are suitable for a 10, and certainly not suitable for a 5!

The picture I posted was of a torquoise rainbow fish, which are awesome looking fish, but grow to 4 inches... And are great, active swimmers. They are recommended for 50+ gallons, 4 foot minimum length.
Sorry. You did the right thing. You are acting far more responsibly than your biology teacher. It's a credit to you.
You may need to keep them long enough to finish ich treatment before trying to rehome.  Perhaps a friendly fish shop might be willing to take diseased fish and treat them but otherwise I don't think you can give them away in that condition.
elephantalgorithms said:
So my biology teacher announced to the class that he was giving away fish, or else he would flush them down the toilet. Fearing for their life, I offered to take them. However, I have little prior experience in fish keeping. I didn't have time to cycle the tank at all, and all five fish had to be put in at once because they were getting ill. Two of them have ick and I have treated the water with the medication. The water has not had time to heat yet so it is very cold. The filter is air stone run only but we are getting an air pump tomorrow. I am seriously fearing for the life of these fish, but I have no idea what to do :c Advice?
(Also, I do not know the breeds of the fish but I suspect one if pregnant. Their original environment was a dirty, sparsely filtered wasteland of a 5 gallon tank. My tank is ten gallons with gravel. The fish were gasping for air but seem to no longer be doing so.)
Thank you!

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