Ember Tetras


Fish Crazy
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Shropshire, GB
I'm hoping to get some more fish to go with my existing neons and 1 Krib. Due to to orders from The Wife, they must be colourful, meaning obviously coloured rather than the beautiful shading of a Diamond Tetra.

My LFS has some lovely looking Ember Tetras (marked as Amandas Tetras), some Serpea and Silver Tip Tetras.

Now i've heard of the fin-nipping apparent with the serpae, and also how you need to keep a largish shoal of silver tips to keep them from nipping, but I've not found much regarding the Ember Tetra.

Anyone keep them? I know they are small, but they are quite lovely, and appear quite placid.

I'd appreciate any comments.

I forgot to mention, they also have some lovely looking black neons, with lampeye type eyes! Quite interesting, but not colourful enough (apparently!)
Ember Tetras, Hyphessobrycon amandae have had something of a resurgence lately. I used to keep them years ago, but they went from the scene. Now, they are everywhere again. They are really nice little things and harmless as tetras go. They are small though, and will hide and be unhappy if incorrectly housed.

Certainly Serpæ's are aggressive, and Silver Tips semi-aggressive without being evil. A good sized group generally reduces the agro they spread around as they concentrate on each other, but Serpæ are still pretty aggressive.

Black Neons are a classy fish. Elegant without being flashy, hardy, easy to breed and a well recommended fish.

Non-fishy women know nothing, I sympathise. <fx>changes into flame suit!</fx>
Great, another fish to get. :p I've been debating on getting into tetras again. Are they particularly delicate to water conditions or anything of that sort?
Are they particularly delicate to water conditions or anything of that sort?
As long as the extremes are avoided, no, not particularly.

Another "old" fish that is doing the rounds again is Hyphessobrycon vilmae, the "Chocolate Neon", another old favourite which I saw again a couple of weeks ago, for the first time in maybe 15 years.

I think both became "popular" because they were "newly discovered" at the time I was keeping them, then they dropped out of the hobby because they were not flashy enough - shame.
Ember Tetras, ......... They are small though, and will hide and be unhappy if incorrectly housed.

Thanks for the reply, very encouraging.

I suppose all fish would be unhappy in incorrectly housed, but anything inparticular regarding Ember Tetras?

The tank is 100 liter, moderatley planted (heavy planting is planned), with the aforementioned tank companions
Well, I got them yesterday, 8 in all.

A lovely little fish, they seem quite happy exploring the tank. They had their first feed today, and had no qualms about taking on the Kribs and Neons in the feeding frenzy!

I'm quite tempted to get some more :D

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