Ember tetras in 7.1 gallon?

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May 15, 2023
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I have a 7.1 gallon tank I will be setting up soon and I was wondering if I could stock it with ember tetras? I would get Chili rasboras, but there are none around me and it is too hot to ship to me sooo ember tetras? It would be very heavily planted, with tons of little hiding spots for them.
My water dH is 6, pH is neutral, and would do weekly water changes.
I was thinking 5-7 if I could do them in the 7 gallon? Thank you!
First off, you want at least 10, no fewer, for the good of the fish reqardless of anything else. Reducing numbers of a shoaling/schooling fish is more likely to cause problems, so if the tank is not sufficient space don't consider that species. However, I am not at all saying the tank is not sufficient, I think it is. This is not an active swimmer (neither Embers or dwarf rasboras are active) so space is not the same issue as it would be if you wanted a fast swimmer. I had 12 dwarf rasboras and 9 pygmy cories in a 10g with no filter for over a year. Water changes weekly of 60% (basic for all my tanks regardless of size or fish in them), thick with floating plants (needed for shade with these nano fish anyway). A 3 gallon difference is not going to have any impact on these fish. Enjoy them!
I have a 7.1 gallon tank I will be setting up soon and I was wondering if I could stock it with ember tetras? I would get Chili rasboras, but there are none around me and it is too hot to ship to me sooo ember tetras? It would be very heavily planted, with tons of little hiding spots for them.
My water dH is 6, pH is neutral, and would do weekly water changes.
I was thinking 5-7 if I could do them in the 7 gallon? Thank you!
Hello. A seven gallon tank is pretty small even for a small fish like an Ember. I keep several different species of Tetras and I don't believe the number you keep is nearly as important as keeping them in a larger tank. Yes, Tetras are schooling fish. But, if they're placed in a larger tank and find there are no threats present, they'll stop schooling. I keep my Tetras in 55 gallon tanks and have anywhere from eight to 12 in a tank. I think you'll find your Tetras, even the smaller species are more comfortable in a tank at least 30 gallons.

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