Ember Tetra


Fish Crazy
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Stafford UK
3 questions about these aquatic beasts

are they nippy? like if they are in a tank with a fighter fish for example
are they also known as flame tetras?
how many should i get to keep them happy?

they are not normally nippy
they are different to flame tetras being slightly smaller than flames and a more red/orange colour rather than cream, red & black for the flames.
they should be kept in groups of at least 6 but preferably 10 or more
To save me posting my own thread on the subject, has anyone kept embers with Gourami's? I'm about to get 3 dwarves and was thinking embers may be a suitable addition-I'm just wondering if dwarf gourami's are likely to eat them.
dwarf gouramis should be fine with ember tetras but I would look at sparkling , licorice or another type of small gourami, rather than the common dwarf with red & blue stripes. The common dwarf gouramis carry lots of natsy diseases whereas the other types of small labyrinths are much cleaner and have significantly fewer health issues.
Yeah I know, I've done a lot of digging into it but the only other small gourami's that interest me are honey's, though the dwarves are still much better looking imo.

Thanks, thats put my mind at rest.

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