Elusive Endlers

: )

New Member
Nov 30, 2006
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The little endlers are so cool, and they seem very popular on ebay it looks like the majority of fish on ebay are endlers lol, but postage is so much higher then the costs of the fish and most of them are only fry :(

So I was wondering.. why do none of the fish shops sell these little guys? It seems really weird, i'm in South Yorkshire and I have visited 4 different huge fish places and loads in my local area and nobody seems to have them lol
I live in the US and I purchased mine on Aquabid, as for the UK I have heard that stores sometimes stock them, if you are really interested try and find a local fish store that could order some for you. And if all else fails, save up some money and buy them off of ebay, even if they are fry they will grow very quickly ;) Good luck, and hopefully someone with some experience with Endlers in the UK on the forums could help you better than I with your conundrum.

Best of luck,
Rez B)
they are available at maidenhead aquatics most of the time, if you have 1 near you ;) i went on sunday to the 1 in Iver Heath which is MILES away from you. they do 1 pair for £3.50 i think
I would be wary of any endlers on sale in a shop. I have seen them in 2 shops and in both cases they were obviously endler/guppy hybrids. The things to look for include colour (much brighter in pure bred), dorsal fins (hybrids have longer ones) and tails (the swords extend beyond the main tail in hybrids but in pure bred, the swords are the same length as the tail fin). Anyone advertising pure bred endlers should be able to give their history. Of course if you don't mind hybrids, they can be just as pretty! There is quite a demand for some hybrids such as the tiger hybrid.
Regarding the cost of posting, don't forget they have to be sent by Royal Mail Special Delivery (to guarantee next day delivery) and this is quite expensive, and I have read elsewhere that Royal Mail does not allow the posting of adult fish, only fry - though some people dispute this.
Have a look in the for sale section, you never know.
i live in south yorkshire too and i bought some last sat ...place called rainbow aquatics at mexborough
i get my fish from him on a regular basis and has a fair amount of caught wild stock
the endlers were 2.50 for a pair and really nice colours :good:
the owner ray is a top helpfull bloke and isnt the type to sell you stuff you dont need
Hi, 1st post - quick question re these fascinating fish:

I have a 4' community tank that has been up and running with fish for approx 5 weeks now.
All fish seem fine & water readings are spot on.
I'm very interested in adding some endlers to the tank but wanted to know if they're compatible with tiger barbs (i currently have a shoal of 7).
The barbs don't seem to cause any problems to any of the fish I've got in there at the moment, including platies - but I've read they can cause fin-nipping problems with "guppy type" fish.

Any comments welcome
Thanks guys, Rainbow aquatics is my localest lfs :lol: I shall pop round and ask him about them, I have chatted with the guy before but hes usually right busy, I pop in there quite often and I must have missed the endlers lol
Hi, 1st post - quick question re these fascinating fish:

I have a 4' community tank that has been up and running with fish for approx 5 weeks now.
All fish seem fine & water readings are spot on.
I'm very interested in adding some endlers to the tank but wanted to know if they're compatible with tiger barbs (i currently have a shoal of 7).
The barbs don't seem to cause any problems to any of the fish I've got in there at the moment, including platies - but I've read they can cause fin-nipping problems with "guppy type" fish.

Any comments welcome

Endlers are actually quite small fish, and tiger barbs and be very aggressive fin nippers. I am not sure that I would trust them with endlers. Just one nip of an endler fin would most likely fatally wound it. I personally would never keep them together, but again I am no barb expert either.

Rez B)
I am not sure that I would trust them with endlers. Just one nip of an endler fin would most likely fatally wound it

That's pretty much what I thought but just wanted to hear the comments of others

PS: Apologies to :) for "hijacking" your post - should've started a new thread, apologies
I agree try Maidenhead's.My daughter wanted some when we visited the biggest store in the UK at St Albans last Saturday.We had never seem them before and the male is very colourful and they only sold them 1 male to 2 females and it was £6 which is a bit more expensive than other have mentioned on here but we went for it.That store is miles away from us(Dagenham,Essex) but we went there before a few months ago becuase of the fact it's so big and they always have loads of fish tanks.

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