Elephant nose...?


Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, NH
I am interested in the elephant nose fish. I saw some at my LFS and fell in love, but need some info. I only have a 29g at this point, but will be getting a bigger tank in the near future. Will the elephant nose be ok for a few months in a 29g? The ones at the store are only about 4" long. Also, I heard that they give out electric impulses that can disturb other fish...is this true? Because I would be keeping him with 2 Bolivian rams 2 clown loaches and 6 penguin tetras. Dont want the fish to be too stressed. :(
i suggest on waiting until you have the bigger tank fully set-up before purchasing the elephant nose. it seems to me that once a store starts carrying them, they always have at least one floating around at a given moment. elephant's can be a bit sensitive and definitely require a larger tank, so why risk them and lock yourself in at this point?
Elephant nose are very slow growers,so that size tank would do for a bit. DEPENDING on what else is in the tank. They don't do well with anything nippy or aggressive.
The impulse they give off is so slight that it does not affect other fish in any way .I've kept elephant nose with several different knifefish,including black ghost,african and glass.NO ISSUES .

When young elephant nose do best in small groups,but as they mature they become territorial.
Mine preferred crushed krill,blood worms and frozen brine shrimp.

If I recall you were asking question about the cons in your tank last week?
Elephant nose would do horribly with a fish like a con...
Assuming that this is Gnathonemus petersii, it could live in a 29 gallon for most of, if not all of it's life... they max. out at around 8".

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