Elephant Nose Fish


New Member
Feb 23, 2010
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Anyone ever keep these guys? I hear they're more challenging than other fish but other than that, I don't know too much about them. Looked up some general info on a few sites, but they didn't tell me anything I didn't expect to hear. (peaceful tank mates, lots of hiding spots, can be outcompeted for food, etc) I was wondering if anyone here has some first hand info. I'm not really planning on getting one, I'm moreso just curious. Maybe down the line...
Wow, I specifically looked at the oddball page before posting and must have glanced right over it. Dunno if they're worth keeping based on the profile page though. Just seems like there aren't a lot of tank mates for them (that I'd be interested in). Hrmm I've also never seen one in person so that might change my mind. Thanks though.
Wow, I specifically looked at the oddball page before posting and must have glanced right over it. Dunno if they're worth keeping based on the profile page though. Just seems like there aren't a lot of tank mates for them (that I'd be interested in). Hrmm I've also never seen one in person so that might change my mind. Thanks though.
they look really cool when you see 1 first hand my lfs has them in and they look like robin hoods arrows not a comunity fish though so it put me off buying 1
Yeah they look great, but work involved and best of specie's tank, unless you want to dedicate a tank to one species look at a good old community tank, there are alot of odd fish that can be kept in community envoiroments....
can these fish be kept with a shoal of tetras such as rummys, cardinals or even congos?

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