Elegance Coral - Help.


Fish Herder
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Having some new coral issues! I bought a massive Elegane coral yesterday, but it on the sandbed and it didn't really expand.. Left it 24 hours still the same. Literally about 1/4 the size it was in the shop.

My lights aren't very bright (2xT5's) so I moved it to the top thinking tht might help. It did a little but still under 50% of what it was in the shop.. Any ideas? It's pretty healthy.
Here's a photo? Anyone got any experience?


Sorry bought a scoly and an elegance and having so many issues!! :(
If it's new it probably hasn't settled but one thing mate, Catalaphyllia jardinei (elegance) stings like a right #29### - your scolly will be better in a safer location.
Ahh thanks mate!!! Will move him now!!!!!

My scoly is my favourite!!
Enough to make it's tenticles flow but not loads. Did yours take a while to open?
Okay. No, I remember putting him in and a few mins later was out in all its glory. Sometimes it will puff right up and then sometimes sulk. It may just be settling in. Is it your first LPS?
No got loads but normally they are fine straight away. I got an elegance and a scoly and they've both been weird! I spent a ton on them so worrying quite badly!! The elegance was £90 - it was massive to be fair but not looking good now.. The scoly settled well after a day.

First elegance - strange coral. I'm concerned cos I had a torch coral that did this and died a while after.. :( hmm I'll leave it and see how it goes, hope it's ok..
Everything is perfect all 0, nitrates are 5, salt 1.025, cal gd. The scoly was fine, just needed more light higher up. I might try an early water change tomorrow if it's no better!! Tested this morning and it's all ok.
Thanks m8, I'll give it a go! Do you know what it's supposed to be at?

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