I had this problem today. I was giving away a heap of baby swordtails and when the third person came to get some fish I started getting pain and tingling in my hands when I touched the water so the fault probably just started occurring then. I worked out that it was the airstone light that was causing the electrocution. The fish seem fine. I was trying to look up if the fish would also be electrocuted in this situation. I am an electrician but it's a hard one. The tingling was only at the top of the water so if you stuck your whole hand in the tank then your wrist would only feel the pain. This is what I found out.
Electricity stays more on the surface of the water rather than penetrating it. That's because water is a reasonably good conductor, and a good conductor keeps most of the current on the surface. Below the surface the current is neutralised.
As I was taking fish out with the net there was the potential that they were getting zapped but even all the babies at the top of the tank were OK because they were still under the surface and not breaking the water. Also the current in the airstone light would not be very high at all.
If you don't have any of your items plugged in then it must be a capacitor discharing. Having the items plugged in but turned off can still have a current if faulty.