electrical fish together?

Sorry I don't have a digi cam. I'll try to get my hands on one and see what I can do. When I first found out the above on how to sex them I found it almost impossible. However I spent a bucket load of time watching the one I had at the time, then when I went to a lfs I spent even more time watching and observing the ones they had. After a while I found that I could pretty much tell the sex with a fairly quick look given I could see them at the right angle. I also found my knowledge of their behaviour, habits, abilities and temperament increased as well and they are now thriving because of it. Hope this helps.
Not everything around us has an electrical current i would like to add. It all oscillates at a frequency but with no current :D
bryce2003 said:
Sorry I don't have a digi cam. I'll try to get my hands on one and see what I can do. When I first found out the above on how to sex them I found it almost impossible. However I spent a bucket load of time watching the one I had at the time, then when I went to a lfs I spent even more time watching and observing the ones they had. After a while I found that I could pretty much tell the sex with a fairly quick look given I could see them at the right angle. I also found my knowledge of their behaviour, habits, abilities and temperament increased as well and they are now thriving because of it. Hope this helps.
Everything I have read says it impossible to determine the sex by sight...
You seem to know a great deal about BGK,but I was wondering ,do you have links to any other opinions about sexing them in this manner?
Thanks for the link.I checked that site out when it first started...registered ,but never got the email and could never log in...
Thanks for the link.I checked that site out when it first started...registered ,but never got the email and could never log in...

That's too bad, maybe you should try again :thumbs:
FMZ is right. I don't have a link but know some breeders of BGK's and that is who gave me the info on how to sex/breed them then shown how to sex them, as of yet I haven't got the tank space to get my breeding program happening. I have searched the net high and low for info on these fish and have found such a varied amount of info it's not funny, a lot of it just plain wrong. I think a lot of this is that they may not be as popular as many other fish therefore less is known about them as people haven't fully taken the time to fully investigate them. Also I have had the problem that those who do know are reluctant to pass on info, or even accurate info hidding behind the reason that it is a "trade secret". However most of what I do know about them has come through my own personnal experiences with them. I have sat for many an hour in front of my own and others tanks observing them. As I have said on many accasions before, personnal experiences differ so I only ever talk of my own. However the more time I have spent observing them the easier I have found it to be in finding out the differences, problems, causes of these problems, behavioural changes etc. and then been able to rectify them before major dramas arise which leads to happier fish. I have been lucky however as I have never had problems such as shedding skin, losing colour, not eating or the myriad of other problems that others have experienced therefore the knowledge I have is still limited to that of healthy fish which I hope to be able to continue and I feel is brought about through my observations.
GuppyDude said:
lol :D vip ur full of it man.
Who are you come into this convo? lol judging by your nickname you keep little pethetic guppys am i right? what would you know about real fish? and you say im full of it? i would like to see your line up of fish. How would you know im full of it? did you look up on the net and see what it says about keeping 2 in the same tank? i think not, so i suggest you go back to your little crap 10g tank with those little things swimming around witch i use for food. In my assumption im guessing your BLUEICE's friend? its nice to see you trying to help her out but i think its not your place to stick up for her. And before you talk again i think you should look up somthing before hand, go ahead and do it now, goto google and type in this convo, and we will see. as we have all said it depends on the fish, who knows maybe blueice's bgk will turn on each other. I know for a fact i cant keep them in the same tank, but other people can.
gee vip..............no offense but cool it down.........he bearly did anything rong. and i think its rong to say hes got a crap 10 gallon. hwo would u know if he even has guppys?
Im realxed buddy :D there was no need for him to say im full of it and all the other stuff his said so if its ok for him to assume about me i can also do the same. The guppy subject i gathered from his nick name. I dont see how this has anything to do with you thanks for your put in but it isnt needed :p because im over it and so should everyone else, besides everyone else adding in their information.

Caio :kana:
Don't be so pathetic as to assume I NEED someone comming in here to take my side...roflmao
that sounds like a game you might play ;) I however have experience behind me and I need NO one's help to validate my points :)
hey guys remember this is a family forum, try to keep it civil, this thread is now being watched and will be shut down if it carries on like this.


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