Electric Yellows In A 57 Gallon


Fish Herder
Apr 8, 2009
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Hey guys! My 57 gallon is cycled, and I want to add fish slowly. I have 1 medium sized bristlenose pleco in there right now, and I soon want to add an Electric Yellow. But I have a question; I want to eventually have a trio in there, but I only want to buy them one or two at a time, that way I don't put a strain on the biological capacity. (Or however you say it... :unsure: ) Anyhow, what should I add first? The male, or the two females?

Also, how long do they hold eggs for, and is it a good idea to strip them?

Thanks in advance,


EDIT: Or I might go for 3 females and a male, that way the attention is dispersed more.
from what i have read its best to add them all together before the aggression sets in
But I don't want to put a strain on the beneficial bacteria. It's definitely cycled, but I don't want anything bad to happen.
Its definitely best to add them all together, which you shouldn't have a problem with, but if you really want to add them separately, add the females first, and whenever you add more fish, you will need to rescape all of the rockwork.

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