Electric Blue Lobster

Hey -
I would beg to differ with what I've read here -
I have two blue lobsters in my tank which is 10 Gallons they live peacefully with
4 Tetra's
2 Catfish
2 Barbs
2 Bamboo Shrimp

They are aggressive - but it seems to a territorial issue with their respective living quarters i.e. Caves (I've inserted 2 in the tank to give them their own space)
They seem to chase the fish away from them but don't attack -
They also shift the gravel around to build a 'protective pile in front of their caves each morning - I assume this is instinct and them protecting themselves from possible predators whilst they sleep -

I'm starting a blog today and will upload some video of 'Pain' and 'Panic' (their names got it from Disney's Hercules)

Ping me if you'd like to speak about it -
Jenn :good:
msn messenger: jennybolton65@hotmail.co.uk

i completely agree i have a massive blue knight lobster in a 220 litre tank with 7 neons, 2 pearl gourami, 2 killifish, 2 large angels, 3 clown loaches, 2 black tetras and a harlequin
i have provided lots od bogwood as roots and caves/rocks all over the bottom with plenty of plastic weed for the fish to hide in.
i have also kept a strict feeding times for the lobster and 9 times outta 10 its there waiting for it!
it has never hunted and seems more woried with re aranging my tank for me, i think that if you are willing to put the time and effort into this creature you will be greatly rewarded as its an amazing creature to watch !!!!

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