Electric Blue Hermit Crab


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Herefordshire, England
I'm probably being paranoid but I added a rather small banded jawfish to my tank three days ago. As expected he's made a burrow right at the back of the tank. For the last 24hrs my rather aggressive electric blue hermit crab has been stalking his burrow, so the fish won't come out to feed. I've tried moving the crab but I can't get at him, and he's so quick anyway, if I move him, he'll be back there within minutes. Is the crab likely to do any harm to the fish? - aside from making him starve to death? It's a worry.
never found them to be aggressive, more single minded

i've removed one form the branches of a coral 5 times in less than an hour, moved it to the other side of the tank, come back 5 minutes later and it's annoying (not eating, just perched in the branches) the coral again
Quite. I managed to ease him out, and have put him in a breeding box for now. Guess I've leave him there a couple of days while my jawfish settles in.
Agree with @ombomb. Ultimately I parted ways with mine both for the reason he listed, and cause mine grew very large and was an excellent bulldozer of small frags...

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