Electric Blue Acara advice…55 Gallon


Aug 9, 2021
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Hi guys, this will obviously have a variety of different opinions but just curious what people have to say…

I currently have a 55 gallon with a paired off couple of Angelfish, Cardinal tetras and platys.

I really want to give EBA’s another shot (previously had 2 with a Severum, 1 Angel etc.) I could never get it to work, the EBA’s were really nasty, the Severum was nasty to the Angel, there were a number of problems and in the end I scrapped it all (But the Angel) and have ended up with what I stated above.

Everything is perfect but I’m getting a bit bored and really loved the EBA’s when I had them. My LFS has got a load of juveniles in and I am tempted to go for it.

The question is how would you go about it. Here are a few of the options I’ve thought about doing…

-Purchase 6-8 juvenile EBAS and keep only the 2 Angelfish. Hopefully everyone is peaceful, and when the EBAS get too big, get rid of 3/4 of them. Final tank would be 2 adult Angelfish and 3/4 adult EBAS.

-Purchase 6-8 juvenile EBAS and keep only the cardinal tetras. (Aware they could become an easy meal but also seen established tanks with both species coexisting.) Again when the EBA’s get too big, remove 3/4. Final tank would be 3/4 adult EBAS and a school of cardinal tetras.

-Scrap the whole tank and start again with 6-8 juvenile EBAS. Play it as it comes (maybe they pair off, maybe some need to go. Maybe they grow too big and remove a couple). Final tank would be 4/5 Adult EBA’s only.

I’m aware there are massive variables and a variety of opinions on cichlids but keen to hear what people would do in my situation. ☺️☺️
In my opinion I dont think mixing two territorial species wouldnt be a good idea... You have tried it before and they fought so I just wouldnt chance it. But I have not kept these fish. Maybe someone with more experience can help... But I dont think it would work out too well with two aggressive/territorial species
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This was a thought of mine, however obviously all Cichlids are territorial/aggressive and people make it work. Maybe these new EBA’s (especially as juveniles) will get on? Thank you for your input ☺️
This was a thought of mine, however obviously all Cichlids are territorial/aggressive and people make it work. Maybe these new EBA’s (especially as juveniles) will get on? Thank you for your input ☺️
They COULD get along... Its a possibility but for a higher chance of them getting along, I would probably buy ALL the fish as juveniles and let them grow up together... Even then, fights would probably occur
I don't know anything about Electric Blue Acaras except that they are really pretty. Are they a Latacara (?) species ? But I do know that most all cichlids are ruffians. Get another tank and go species only with them.
Get a double tier stand and have 2 tanks. Put the blue acaras in one tank and leave the other fishes where they are.

Buy a group of 8 young fish and grow them up. Let them pr off and then separate the prs into their own tanks or keep 1pr and get rid of the rest.
My EBAs get on with everyone, though they are in a 150g and a 180 gallon tank. Between the two tanks they are with Sevs, Geophagus, a "16 BGK, Firemouths, Keyholes and bristlenose. As far as aggression during spawning they are pretty chill for Cichlids, if they spawn in the "comminuty" tank they eggs/fry get eaten but for a few that the adults manage to guard. In their own territory (own tank) they are very good parents but be prepared to be overrun with fry, 150-300 at a time every month once they start. I would keep a single pair in a 55g, any more they will squabble with neighbors.
Get a double tier stand and have 2 tanks. Put the blue acaras in one tank and leave the other fishes where they are.

Buy a group of 8 young fish and grow them up. Let them pr off and then separate the prs into their own tanks or keep 1pr and get rid of the rest.
Hi Colin, as much as I would love 2 tanks, I don’t think my bank account, or the Mrs would be too happy with that 😂

I am planning to go down the route of a large group of juveniles, but I was more wandering what people may think about keeping some of the current inhabitants. Whether that would be keeping the cardinal tetras, or maybe keeping the pair of Angelfish, or removing everybody and starting again with only the EBAS.
While on the topic, I saw a couple of “Senegalus Bichir” in the EBA tank at my LFS. These looked quite cool but not something I know about. Are they compatible? How big do they get, suitable for a 55? Do they hide away or are they on show. Would be interested to know more about these guys!
While on the topic, I saw a couple of “Senegalus Bichir” in the EBA tank at my LFS. These looked quite cool but not something I know about. Are they compatible? How big do they get, suitable for a 55? Do they hide away or are they on show. Would be interested to know more about these guys!
A lot of bichirs require 75g up and can be aggressive... I could be wrong on the aggression part but they do need larger tanks
I haven’t read previous comments so this has probably already been said .. adding another cichlid to a tank with a breeding pair of cichlids is asking for trouble , done it myself . Iv bred eba a while now even cross bred them with green terrors ... very lucky lol the juvenile idea is a 50/50 for me either going to be bullied beyond believe by the angles or they will settle nicely as they are a lot faster than angles and being a lot smaller just won’t have the minerals to enter there space , I wouldn’t split a breeding pair up they are possibly bonded and will die apart from each other so id keep both angles or non , I understand the allure of the eba I’m a sucker for one myself currently have 4 with 4 eba X Gt no issues ... so far . A lot of people will disagree with this statement but il say it anyways if they can breed together they can live together just finding the right male and female . I don’t like to over think I just do things and look to the sky so I’m your situation I’d trot to the fish shop get me 6 eba and chill if things start to go bad I’d make a choice I find it easier to make a decision when it’s happening rather than try to guess ahead of time
I haven’t read previous comments so this has probably already been said .. adding another cichlid to a tank with a breeding pair of cichlids is asking for trouble , done it myself . Iv bred eba a while now even cross bred them with green terrors ... very lucky lol the juvenile idea is a 50/50 for me either going to be bullied beyond believe by the angles or they will settle nicely as they are a lot faster than angles and being a lot smaller just won’t have the minerals to enter there space , I wouldn’t split a breeding pair up they are possibly bonded and will die apart from each other so id keep both angles or non , I understand the allure of the eba I’m a sucker for one myself currently have 4 with 4 eba X Gt no issues ... so far . A lot of people will disagree with this statement but il say it anyways if they can breed together they can live together just finding the right male and female . I don’t like to over think I just do things and look to the sky so I’m your situation I’d trot to the fish shop get me 6 eba and chill if things start to go bad I’d make a choice I find it easier to make a decision when it’s happening rather than try to guess ahead of tim
Hey guy, thanks for the response! Very helpful and optimistic which is always nice. I’m thinking along the lines of you, buy 6 Juvenile EBA’s and add them to the tank with the Angelfish. If the Angelfish are too aggressive, I will remove the pair.

What would you do regarding the cardinal tetras. They are very large (as cardinals go) and do just fine with the Angelfish. However I’m worried adding 6 juvenile EBA’s to a tank with 2 angelfishfish and 15-20 cardinals might be overstocking?

Thanks for everyone’s responses! :)

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