Still not really getting aggression too badly until today, when one of the apistos went in for a snack on some fry and ended up in pieces. Interestingly the parents are a lot more settled otherwise and I've actually managed to clean the tank near them, which means I can actually see into the tank now.
The other ellioti have been rehomed into another tank as they were taking ongoing punishment. Leaves the stocking at 2 (plus many) ellioti, 6 congo tetras and 8 corydoras sterbai.
Planting has taken a huge hammering. These things dig, dig and dig when they've been breeding. Not for any apparent reason either, as they used the first two of the twenty odd holes that they dug in the sand. I do believe that they have now found every single grain of root tab in the tank and I do wonder if this has simply become a glorified treasure hunt game for them.
Anyway, I'm now ordering a few more robust bulbs (amongst other things) for the tank, after all, they'll appreciate the game of football if they don't grow, and if they do the tank will be green again, which will be nice, and will probably get rid of the algae I've been getting, which I haven't had to deal with for a while.