Ei Or Liquid Ferts Like Neutro+


Jan 3, 2007
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Hi All
I am familiar with the EI approach and remember with fondness mixing up fertilisers and daily doses of all sorts.
I have seen that nowadays there are liquid products which claim to do the same thing, like AE Neutro +
Price wise they work out a little more expensive, but not massively!
So my question is, which do you prefer?
Having one bottle and dosing 10ml a day seems a lot easier than faffing with lots of powders etc
With the AE neutro, do you have to do a big water change once a week as per EI?
Thanks in advance
Personally I vote for the less worried version of EI. I've never been too worried about exact measurements, close enough is fine and far less stressful.
All heavily planted tanks should really have good sized water changes, it's got more to do with organic build up that anything else.
Unfortunatly you can't compare EI to Neutro+ because you don't know what's in it. And as Rob says, if you're dosing any nutrient up to the levels involved with EI you're going to get growth that requires [or benefits] from such a water change.
An EI Calculator like this shows how you can throw a few teaspoons of salt in, do your water change and you're good to go.
Thanks S019
I guess it is very hard to compare.  I guess I need someone who has tried both and has some insight on which they preferred.

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