Ei Gone Drastically Wrong


Fish Crazy
Mar 3, 2007
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hey guys,

i got to thinking today as i was dosing the tank, my 50 gal planted. co2 is 30ppm

this is what i do

30ml solution or 1/2 tsp KNO3 3x a week
15ml solution or 1/8 tsp KH2PO4 3x a week
15ml or 1/8 tsp traces 3x a week

as my p04 is always around 5ppm.

i dose with a syring, my sister is a nurse so she got it me, its a 10ml one so i have to fill it 3 times to do the kno3, but looking at the 1/2 tsp thats not even 3ml out of they syringe, am i over dosing??? i mean in two weeks i've gone through 500ml of kno3 solution.

heres the tank, it pearls amazingly and grows like made, these pics are 3 days appart



am i doing it right.

Speaking purely on the maths of your KNO3 dose, if you're dosing 30ml 3 times a week thats 90ml a week, and therefore 180ml over 2 weeks. You should still have between 1/2 and 2/3 of the bottle of KNO3 left if its 500ml.

As for the effects, I really have no idea so I'll leave that to others to say :)
maybe its a few more weeks then lol.

i figured it out now,

the 1/2tsp is dry dosing the stuff so 30ml of the mixed solution must be equvilant to 1/2 dry in concerntration

There are 2 ways to dose - solution or dry. If you have made the solutions then you want to use the amounts in ml and disregard the tsp quantities. These are if you add the powders dry. So for KNO3 you should have added 30ml 3 times a week for 2 weeks which comes to 30x3x2=180ml. If you're concerned about overdosing then a large water change will reset the levels.

Tank is looking fab and just shows how well EI works.

Whats your lighting like? Whatever you are doing, carry on doing it!
Where can I buy EI ferts? Can you give me a list of what you are using, like brand name and whatnot? Thanks.
AE in the UK
Greg Watsons in the US

Potassium Nitrate soluble powder form (KN03)
Mono Potassium Phosphate soluble powder form (KH2PO4)
Potassium Sulphate soluble powder form (K2SO4)

These are just normal chemicals in powder form, not branded as such although the people selling it may put their own label on the bags they weigh out.

Tropica Plant Nutrition for traces or Flourish or trace element mix (powder) again from AE or Greg Watson

do you meam drsticaly wrong cause it grown so much beecause to me that looks ace
That tank is gorgeous. It makes mine look like trash!
It is a great advertisement for EI dosing.
I love that wood too!
You should enter it :good:
If you are tried of fast growth etc, try replacing some plants with Crypts, ferns, slower growing plants that require less light(but do fine at very high light also).

Some simple plant choice changes makes life much easier.
Hardscaping also can reduce work and maintain order in that weed choked cess pool:)

Good use of the wood BTW.

Tom Barr

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