Ehudd's Nano Journal


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2007
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Well i have a big break for awhile, but im ready to have a SW tank again.
Im going with a standard 2ft tank (sorry dont know dimensions) but it holds around 60L? (correct me if im wrong).
I using compact fluro lighting with a redsea 10k/actinic bulb.
I have 2 HOB filter, Aqua clear 50 and 80. And just a 500L p/h powerhead.
Around 6kg of LR so far.

S.G. is 1.026
Its been set up for 7 days now, and amonnia is still off the roof, due to LR not being cured. And i experienced a lot of die off, but there is none now.
Well im going to post this before my comp freeze's than i shall put some pics in!


Here it is first set up with just actinics. i got the bulb changed.

I bought a piece of LR with Ric yuma's all over it! 1 big one tho, its doing okay now, but when i got it, not so good. Btw, i didnt know it had rics on it at the time

Here it is now

Here is the tank as of today

The other photos have been progression over a week.

My problem still remains, i have high ammonia, i did around a 10L water change last week, but still, its VERY high.
If it's still curing, you'd do best to let it stew. Taking Ammonia out via water changes reduces the final bacteria colony size :sad:

Looking like a good start thus far. I'd look at another powerhead in there with the 500lph one :nod: What are the HOB's being used for, phosphate remover or bio?

All the best
If it's still curing, you'd do best to let it stew. Taking Ammonia out via water changes reduces the final bacteria colony size :sad:

Looking like a good start thus far. I'd look at another powerhead in there with the 500lph one :nod: What are the HOB's being used for, phosphate remover or bio?

All the best

thanks for the reply!
Well the SG crept up to 1.030 so i decided to waterchange, i put some "Cycle" in with the water change (its a product to help your tank cycle).
Havent tested Ammonia since.
I bought 11 hermits today

Just letting nature take its course now. I got some Onyx clowns on hold! pick them up in 2 weeks if I can.

what is this? its pretty fast to, made 2ft of ground in 2 mins!
Oh please slow down - your tank is not cycled yet - the hermits really should go back to the lfs :crazy: adding Cycle will not help cycle your tank quicker, it's a gimmick :blink: don't know how they get away with it really.

In the salty world patience is most certainly a virtue - sit back, watch your pet rocks and test, test, test. Take the time to do lots of research and planning

Aquascape looks really nice :good:

Seffie x

If the ammonia is still up, I'll give the hermits a week to live. Hey, I'm feeling lucky today :lol: :sad: As Seffie says, Hermits, like fish, don't tolerate Ammonia or nitrite (well, actually, fish tolerate nitrite as well as they do nitrate, but invertebrates like crabs, coral, shrimp do not, they are actually more sensitive to it) at all well, and would need to be returned if your cycle is still in progress :nod: :sad:
the hermits are all alive, it looks like i've scrubbed my rocks.
this isnt my first tank btw, prob my 6th. If they start to act funny, i will take them back, but they all look happy, i havent tested but my tank isnt smelling of ammonia, maybe its coming down, will let you know.

the hermits are all alive, it looks like i've scrubbed my rocks.
this isnt my first tank btw, prob my 6th. If they start to act funny, i will take them back, but they all look happy, i havent tested but my tank isnt smelling of ammonia, maybe its coming down, will let you know.


I give up :crazy: count me out!

6th tank??? :rolleyes:

then you would know by now that ammonia and nitrite KILL inverts. ignore those that give you advice, and i know they wont help you again!
i dont have a marine tank and i know when enough is enough =/

what is your water testing like test it with your kit and get you lfs to test it also

regards scott

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