Eheim wet/dry vs ProII


Fish Herder
May 7, 2004
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I am going to be getting rid of my rattly Fluval 404 and replacing it with an Eheim filter. I'm looking at either the 2329 Wet/Dry Thermo filter or the 2128 Pro II Thermo filter.
I know the basic differences between the 2, but does anyone have any experience of these filters and whether the difference in cost is worth it for the Wet/Dry filter?
i'd also like to know the difference as they are the 2 filters i'll be getting within a month. Other than the easy prime and one's wet and dry what are any other differences? Which is better?
Anyone know?
I just want to know if the Wet/Dry really is worth getting over the Pro II.

I have opted for the standard pro2 (2028) If I had the chance again I would go for the thermol version.

I have heard that the wet/dry pro2 can be a bit noisy - so might not go down well in a living / bedroom?

cya m8

:D I'd personally go for the pro 2......infact,if I had the money I'd buy six of them today. I have the eheim classics which are very good....but not as good as the pro 2s. Good Luck in your decision making!!
Well purely because I got it for such a good price, and because I wanted to find out; I went for the 2229 Wet/Dry.
If it's no good, then I can easliy sell it for as much if not more than I paid for it and get a Pro II, but we'll see. I'll let you know how it goes.
I was just about to post a topic asking this!!

My only concern now is that in the booklet it says that the wet/dry is suitable for low plant and high fish stock tanks.

my tank would be meduim to highly planted and high fish levels with plenty of plecs!! so is this a problem with the wet/dry?

also if the wet/dry is noisier that will be a problems as it's going to be a few ft away from my head at night!! I'm running a Fluval 204 at the moment which is silent, i turn the flow rate down at night so there isn't much disturbence!!
The wet and dry are noisier then regular Eheims, but not excessively so, although I'm not sure I'd have one in the bedroom. The flow from them is not constant either. Some situations that is an advantage, wave like, but for planted tanks, is disruptive.

I had one on evaluation from my LFS. It was easy to use, but not suitable for my very quiet, low energy setups.
what a great LFS you have, i wouldn't even beable to take one home to test and i'm staff!!

i reakon i'll go for the pro 2 thermo then, i can't justify the extra dosh for a fancy noisy, disruptive tube on the side!!
Well, I picked up the filter today, and I have to say it is very clever!! But paul I wouldn't suggest having it in your bedroom as it is slightly noisier than a standard filter, only because of the constant filling and emptying you get water noise more than normal!
I'll let you know how it performs as far as biological filtration is concerned!!
Yer I can't be having that in my bedroom and i'll be planting the tank up anyways.

We have a return in at work at the moment, and i was going to look at it today but couldn't be bothered to lift it as it hadn't been drained!!

I did like the litle digital thermometer though!!
The wet/dry filters have a reputation for creating horrendous ammounts of nitrate as they are a bit too biologically effective, it is this reason that marine fish keepers now shun wet/dry technology. They can also knock a lot of the oxygen out of the water as the increased bacteria load uses more oxygen to survive so good surface aggitation in the tank at all times is a must.
Personally for the money i go for the classic models, they dont have any of the fancy gadgetry assosiated with the pro2 models but have a good lph flow rate and have stacks of space for media.
CFC said:
The wet/dry filters have a reputation for creating horrendous ammounts of nitrate as they are a bit too biologically effective, it is this reason that marine fish keepers now shun wet/dry technology. They can also knock a lot of the oxygen out of the water as the increased bacteria load uses more oxygen to survive so good surface aggitation in the tank at all times is a must.
Personally for the money i go for the classic models, they dont have any of the fancy gadgetry assosiated with the pro2 models but have a good lph flow rate and have stacks of space for media.
It seems to agitate the surface really well when it empties the filter, so I'll keep an eye on it from that point of view. As for the nitrates, I usually suffer from high nitrates anyway as I have high tapwater levels, but I'll monitor all the levels and if it causes problems, I'll let you know. Like I said for the price I got this filter for I had to give it a go!! I could barely have bought the media for the filter for the price I paid!!! :D
If you want wet/dry filtering, get a sump or a overhead, they're more popular used for this. If not i'll get the ProII.

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