EHEIM trouble


Jul 5, 2004
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Agincourt, Ontario, Canada
I just recieved an eheim 2217 filter with my new tank and im wondering how to get it started. I've primed it and everything, but when I plug it in. it makes these crackling noises and water does not come out of the spray bar (or when it does, it trickles.) I really do not wish to damage my filter, any suggestions??
hmmmm,that's all I could think of. Does the flow seem to be getting heavier as it remains plugged in,or do you unplug it right away?
It could just be the sound of the hoses expelling/drawing air. Or does it crackle like pieces grinding together?

Personally....I would leave it plugged in through the crackling sound. IME it will go away as soon as the water starts really going. I can't remember which filter did that to me,but I know what you're talking about. Hopefully somebody will come along with hands on experience with that particular filter.

Moving this to hardware,you'll get better answers there :)
Filters from the classic range need to be manually started the first time, disconnect the inlet pip via the double tap connecter and give a good suck on the end connected to the tank. Then quickly shut the tap again to avoid water going all over your floor and reconnect the double tap. Open all the taps back up and allow the canister to fill with water before pugging it into the mains, that should work a treat.
wow thats sounds complicated :S

not the same but on my 204 it has the pump thing to get the suction started and i pumped until water came out the outlet then switched the power on and it ran smoooooth!!

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