Eheim Problem.


Fish Addict
Jun 14, 2007
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Hi all.

My eheim 2236 has been playing silly buggers recently.

basically it sometimes runs fine then will suddenly reduce flow.
to 1/8 of normal turning it off at the power usually gets it back to normal but if it don't I have to prime it again :mad:

there is no Air trapped inside anyone have a clue?
its about 7 months old I would say.
Could be a blockage somewhere.... whens the last time you cleaned it ? - check the pipes too.
2/3 days ago,
100% sure not blockage meant to write that in the first post :p
Could be a dodgy power head?

You could replace that and see if theres any improvment. Is the handle ok as i know they are prone to breaking?
Mine had a similar problem, I found taking the big old juwel sponge out of it (which I used to transfer bacteria) helped as clearly it was slowly flow rate :)

My 2213 is still far from perfect mind, it likes to gradually get louder after each clean untill im forced to open it up again, poke around and re-start it.
Any noises ? bubbles emitted from the outlet ? I run a 2234 which is the same head, with no probs in over a year.... so I would like to know whats going on with yours !
Have you replaced the white filter pad ? and what other media do you run ?
Nope no bubbles coming out,
no trapped air..

the flow lets say comes out of the outlet this far


and will gradually redue down to


and a simple turn off at the plug then back on will resolve the problem
Media is not a mess either. :crazy:
Check the impellier itself to see if the ceramic shaft is broken or the little bushes at each end of the ceramic shaft are worn.
eheim 2232, same problem here. The filter is way too strong for what i need it to be anyway, but 80% of the time, i have reduced flow too. priming it dont work for me either! design flaw probably. But i cant just send back the filter as i need an alternitive.
all insides are fine..... :(

my flow just gradually reduces :mad:
I love the Eheim Eccos, i have 3 of them 2 x 2232 and a 2236
I thought it could be my UV filter being attached to it, however, after removing it tonight, it worked just the same.
im going to strip it ****again**** to see if I can find anything..:(

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