Eheim Pro 2 Vs. Pro 3

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Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
Durham, England
I have a juwel vision 450 tank, I have taken out the juwel filter and replaced it with an Eheiim pro 2 filter (I think 2028). Recently I was told that I should have 2 of these Eheim filters. My fish stock lst is in my profile. Rarther than get another pro 2 I was thinking about getting a pro 3. I don't mind cost etc. as I think that a pro 3 would be worth it. My question is do I really need more filtration?
IMO a second filter would be good with your stock list, your Oscar is my main worry, he alone is 1 messy dude ( just like mine ) not to mention your LARGE plec. The filter you have now, Ehiem 2028, is good don't get me wrong, but with messy fish you NEED good filtration. Also with 2 filters it allows you to clean and maintain 1 while the other keeps working so not to disturb the Bio of your tank.

I've been looking at getting the Pro III 2080 also ( trying to find 1 cheaper than £ 185 ) as in my 125 Gal tank I've a Rena xp 3 and a Eheim 2026, just feel I need a bit more filtration than I have.

I'm sure you don't really need a 2080 Pro III ,as I'm sure another Pro II would be fine, but if funds aren't a problem then why not.

Let me know if you find 1 cheaper than £185.
Looking at the stocking of that tank, I would save my money & go with a large hob set up for mechanical filtration. Canister filters excell at bio filtration, but are lacking a little when it comes to mechanical filtration. Hob filters are great for mechanical filtration, but hold much less media than a decent canister, so are less effective at bio filtration.

Eheim canisters are awesome, I have 5 running, but all mechanical things have certain limitations, and are better at certain things than others. For less money you could add the hob, and a power head on the bottom to deal with any acumilated waste. I've done this with several overstocked breeding tanks, and it works out great.
If people really think that I need more filtration I'm not going to bother buying another pro 2, as I will move my current pro 2 onto my smaller tank. This is because my fluvel filter is crap!!! Also I don't think that I have enough room in my cupboard to fit 2 filters.

I never thought that I would need another filter and would really appreciate some more opinions. If another filter is neccessary I will just buy a pro 3. Then I will not need to worry at all!!! and just move my pro 2 over.
If money isnt a issue then i'd definately recomend upgrading the filter, the stock you have is pushing the limits of both the filtration and the tanks stocking capacity ( a bigger tank is going to be needed in the future). Personally id rather have two filters on one tank but since you can upgrade both tanks by buying one pro 3 then that is the better option for you right now.

Tolak, HOB filters are pretty uncommon here in the UK, we pretty much only have external canisters like the eheims and fluvals or internal power filters like the Eheim aquaball and Fluval #+ ranges, none are that efficient at mechanical filtration being designed with biological as their first priority and anything else secondary.
What i use for mechanical filtration is a powerhead coupled with a clip on sleeve full of filter floss which is removed and changed weekly.
Boy that stinks CFC. I do the same thing with powerheads, attach a 1 liter bottle with the bottom cut out. I get cylindrical pre-filter sponges for a couple of bucks, stuff one of those in & drop it on the bottom. Shift them around every few days, it keeps the bottom of the tanks immaculate, even bare bottom tanks.


If it weren't for the 120v60hz/220v50hz difference I would look for a deal on some killer Aqua Clear hob's for you. Find a way around that & I bet you could turn a nice profit. :)
You can find HOB filters if you root around a bit, but agree it's not really a matter of wandering down your LFS to pick one up.

I just bought this one - very pleased so far and also surprised at how cheap it is, plus the refils seem pretty cheap too! (£7.45 for 12 carbon inserts!)

Eheim Liberty

ps - I have no connection with the site linked, just a bit of a tight ass like most northerners!

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