Eheim Noise


Apr 17, 2007
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I have an eheim 2026 which has been running for just over a week, but it is making a rattling noise, like there is something moving about inside it, its hard to describe. it is properly primed, there is no air inside it as far as i can tell, i have tilted it to remove all air
any suggestions?
Strip it down ? Its the only way to know for sure ! Maybe somethings loose, or you have a fish in there...
Could be the media getting air through it, or if theyre knocking against eachother, maybe have a look at them
Could be the media getting air through it, or if theyre knocking against eachother, maybe have a look at them

thats what is sounds like the most, like the little cocopops-type stuff (efi-substrat?) is knocking into each other or something. there's definately not a fish in there as i havent put any in the tank yet lol
it is most likely trapped air
give it a shake to try and dispel the air (you should see bubbles come out your spray bar)
or re-prime it :good:
it is most likely trapped air
give it a shake to try and dispel the air (you should see bubbles come out your spray bar)
or re-prime it :good:

have done both of those several times to no avail, still get the noise :sad:
Make sure that the lid is sealing properly and not sucking in air (remove the lid, clean off the rubber seal and the sides of the canister where the rubber seal meets). It is most likely air as this makes exactly the same noise. Also make sure that the inlet tube end is compeltely under water and not near any airstones or similar and that the tube is properly sealed to the filter.
...So, what was the solution ?
i've been working a lot lately so i haven't had time to fiddle with it yet, its still making the noise, i shall post and update as soon as i get it sorted :good:
when i first got my 2026 i was disappointed as everyone said they were quiet but that wants the case with mines, i just stuck with it and after about 2 weeks it made very little noise indeed..

i does make a bit of noise for a day after its been cleaned but then it goes away, to get most of the air out i just push the priming button a good few times when its running..


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