Eheim Filters Really Good?


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2008
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I've heard that they are, but I find that hard to believe. :/ I just bought Eheim HOB three months ago and decided it was about time to change the bio material. Everything ran smoothly until I tried to turn it on again...and it didn't work! Well, I was sure freaking out! :crazy: Well, thankfully my dad seemed to know what to do, and after taking the motor apart and cleaning it bit by bit, it turned on again, but that was definately a scare! I didn't expect to run into these sorts of problems for at least another year or two. bleh. that just about destroyed any faith I had in my filter. :S
I've heard that they are, but I find that hard to believe. :/ I just bought Eheim HOB three months ago and decided it was about time to change the bio material. Everything ran smoothly until I tried to turn it on again...and it didn't work! Well, I was sure freaking out! :crazy: Well, thankfully my dad seemed to know what to do, and after taking the motor apart and cleaning it bit by bit, it turned on again, but that was definately a scare! I didn't expect to run into these sorts of problems for at least another year or two. bleh. that just about destroyed any faith I had in my filter. :S
Strange, only probem i've encounered was little bit of sand is motor,,got a cotton bud, took it out and its run silet now, priming is easy aswell, pushbig button down and hold and let go job done,there a reall good filter IMO
I prefer instead to stick with the old wysiwyg Eheim Classic filters. Old reliable workhorses without bells and whistles. Heck they do the job.
After 3 months the impeller will need to be popped out & cleaned up on any hob, Eheim or otherwise. This is pretty much standard maintenance. I'll let my Eheim canisters go for 6 months between cleaning, they are one of a few filters on overstocked tanks, or oversized for show tanks. They do run seemingly forever, I wouldn't be discouraged by a little impeller cleaning.
It makes a lot of sense that the impeller and its surrounding area need to be looked after periodically. Water pump design engineers have obviously come a long way over the years making impellers resistant to problems and quieter and quieter.

But you can't get around the fact that the water being pumped is not guaranteed not to have extra things in it. Sand and gravel particles can come in very unpredictable sizes and shapes, which mean any shape impeller and impeller casing can still have a blockage if just the right piece of gravel comes along. And of course since biofilm builds up on everything in a tank, even in the fast moving area of a water pump there eventually will be too much build-up of something if regular maintenance is not performed.
ah, okay, thanks guys. I guess I'd better learn to take the motor apart so I can clean it out again some time!
I have an eheim ecco 2232 on an insanely overstocked tank (endlers and bristlenoses wont stop breeding) and i've never had any problems with it. I clean out the motor once every few months, even though it dont normally need doing, primes really easilly too and once every 2 weeks when i do the filter clean i take out the baby bristlenoses that have found their way into it and are growing at an alarming rate lol.

Bottom line, they are great!
i may sound like a total newbie hear but what does HOB mean :unsure:
I've heard that they are, but I find that hard to believe. :/ I just bought Eheim HOB three months ago and decided it was about time to change the bio material. Everything ran smoothly until I tried to turn it on again...and it didn't work! Well, I was sure freaking out! :crazy: Well, thankfully my dad seemed to know what to do, and after taking the motor apart and cleaning it bit by bit, it turned on again, but that was definately a scare! I didn't expect to run into these sorts of problems for at least another year or two. bleh. that just about destroyed any faith I had in my filter. :S

This is off topic, but why did you want to change the bio-media ? AFAIK, it shouldn't be changed ever.
Hang on filters need to be taken apart and cleaned out every once in awhile. Yours probably needed a good cleaning.

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