Eheim Classic Vs Ecco


Fish Aficionado
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Commuting between Oaxaca, Mexico and Montreal, Can
Apart from the professional line, the most common Eheims are from the classic or ecco line. What is the difference between them? Which one do you prefer, and why?
I am thinking of buying one, but do not know which one to choose. :unsure:

classic every time.
the ecco has a habit of breaking the handle and its flow rate is poor in comparison to the classic.
Also, the classic forces the water through the bottom of the canister for better filtration.
Eccos are substantially cheaper than the classics, well they are near me anyway.
im also looking for a new external, and am not sure which to go for, the ecco or classic, whats the difference in the media you can put in to each filter?

Cheers Gordon
you can put the same media, but i think the ecco has media trays.
Eheim introduced the ECCO range as a deliberate attempt to compete with the "budget" end of the market. They are of inferior quality and performance, and I believe their introduction to be a mistake. I used to be able to say "you can't go wrong with Eheim", now I have to add the "as long as you avoid the ECCO range".
if only i read this before lol. Eheim ecco 2232. Still havnt fired it up though. However, its power consumption is only 6w!
if only i read this before lol. Eheim ecco 2232. Still havnt fired it up though. However, its power consumption is only 6w!

Ive had my 2234 for over a year now.. without issue ! Must admit, the low power consumption drew me to it... I have a fluval internal that uses more !
Eheim introduced the ECCO range as a deliberate attempt to compete with the "budget" end of the market. They are of inferior quality and performance, and I believe their introduction to be a mistake. I used to be able to say "you can't go wrong with Eheim", now I have to add the "as long as you avoid the ECCO range".
Add to that the Wet/Dry filters (2227 and 2229). Absolutely awful things!
Add to that the Wet/Dry filters (2227 and 2229). Absolutely awful things!
I have very little experience with these. I was given one to trial by the distributor here. I found it basically worked, was overkill for my light stocking loads and the killer, it was noisy. I am used to my silent Classics.
i've had my eheim classic 2213 for 9 years and had no problems, exellent and reliable, also have classic 2215 and 2217 no probs, heard alot of good reviews about the tetratec filters too and they are reasonably priced.
Add to that the Wet/Dry filters (2227 and 2229). Absolutely awful things!
I have very little experience with these. I was given one to trial by the distributor here. I found it basically worked, was overkill for my light stocking loads and the killer, it was noisy. I am used to my silent Classics.
They are notoriously difficult to set up. I took mine back as within a month of setting up it would stop cycling properly. The shop I took it to said even the regional Eheim Rep had to phone up Germany to get advice on how to set it up.

Essentially it is needlessly overcomplicated.
I know this is an old post now.

But to conclude this overall, are we saying that its better to go for the Classic over the Ecco?


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