Eheim Canister Filter

I find that I have to manually prime a Fluval 04/05 after a few starts. This is how you prime a classic Eheim also. In theory, though both (Fluval from experience, classic from comparisons of design) are a PITA to prime, they are using the same technique, so should be equaly as difficult as each other... IME the Fluvals get large and hard to clear air-locks after priming, which the classics apparently do not get...

All the best

there is no buttons/ levers on my eheim classic 2215 so i cannot prime it. In theory it is supposed to self prime due to the positioning of the inlet and outlet however that is not the case :(

I found that the prime leaver on the Fluvals broke after two or three uses, so I'd argue that the Fluvals don't have any priming buttons/levers to speak of either.

Fluvals aren't hard to use relative to some things in life, but realtive to compeeting filters they are IME.

To prime a Fluval for the Fourth time in it's life :shifty: or a classic, with the pipes empty, suck on the outlet and then place in into a bucket. Wait for the water to flow through and fill the bucket, before closing the valve(s) and hooking the outlet back on the tank. Re-open the valve(s) and switch on. Off it goes (all be it in the case of a Fluval, after mush spluttering and increased noise) ;) When the hoses are full, lift the outlet out of the water and open the valve(s) again to prime... When the Fluvals impeller jams on starting, give it a good hard kick on the MSF badge ;) I'm being serious there, the shock jolts the impeller free so it can start :lol: Don't be too shocked if there is still air in the Fluval after a day of use when priming from full hoses...

All the best
I find that I have to manually prime a Fluval 04/05 after a few starts. This is how you prime a classic Eheim also. In theory, though both (Fluval from experience, classic from comparisons of design) are a PITA to prime, they are using the same technique, so should be equaly as difficult as each other... IME the Fluvals get large and hard to clear air-locks after priming, which the classics apparently do not get...

All the best

there is no buttons/ levers on my eheim classic 2215 so i cannot prime it. In theory it is supposed to self prime due to the positioning of the inlet and outlet however that is not the case :(

I found that the prime leaver on the Fluvals broke after two or three uses, so I'd argue that the Fluvals don't have any priming buttons/levers to speak of either.

Fluvals aren't hard to use relative to some things in life, but realtive to compeeting filters they are IME.

To prime a Fluval for the Fourth time in it's life :shifty: or a classic, with the pipes empty, suck on the outlet and then place in into a bucket. Wait for the water to flow through and fill the bucket, before closing the valve(s) and hooking the outlet back on the tank. Re-open the valve(s) and switch on. Off it goes (all be it in the case of a Fluval, after mush spluttering and increased noise) ;) When the hoses are full, lift the outlet out of the water and open the valve(s) again to prime... When the Fluvals impeller jams on starting, give it a good hard kick on the MSF badge ;) I'm being serious there, the shock jolts the impeller free so it can start :lol: Don't be too shocked if there is still air in the Fluval after a day of use when priming from full hoses...

All the best

:lol: you really don't like Fluvals do you!
Apart from the priming with the classic, i cant get the lid off due to the massive suction it creates, i have to take it outside open all the valves to release the pressure so i can get the lid off, oh and the tiny metal clasps that hold the lid in place bend all the time, perhaps other eheim filters are good, but IMO classics are terrible.
:lol: you really don't like Fluvals do you!

How did you guess :shifty:

Apart from the priming with the classic, i cant get the lid off due to the massive suction it creates, i have to take it outside open all the valves to release the pressure so i can get the lid off, oh and the tiny metal clasps that hold the lid in place bend all the time, perhaps other eheim filters are good, but IMO classics are terrible.

Shurely they can't be worse than Fluvals :eek: That would be a poor filter :lol:
Aaron...You must try not to offend the Eheim owners club or their affiliates from the Eheim appreciation society.

They are like the MG owners club and get very aggressive in defence of their pride and joy.

They also like to tell us in the same posts that 'they run and run for ever' and 'spares are very readily available' which leads me down the patch of comparing them to Trigger's Brush (Only fools and horses)

'This brush was built to last. I've had it for 20 years and it's served me well. They don't make them like they used to. It has had 4 new handles and 8 new heads' ;)

You have been warned :lol:

I've never had a Fluval but don't ilke the look of them. I've never had an Eheim and don't like their garish green colour. I like the Tetratec though and yes spares are readily available for them too!!! Tetratec sent me some when the seals weren't working with no questions asked for free just from a complaining email. I used a fluval internal before the Tetratec and during its leakage period which has never had a problem.

Considering all the other options I think I would probs go for RenaXP next time as many people I have spoken to have given me a good impression about them whereas Eheim owners seem to be overly protective of the brand for some reason when they clearly have experience of having to get spares for their filter that ever goes wrong!!


Aaron...You must try not to offend the Eheim owners club or their affiliates from the Eheim appreciation society.

They are like the MG owners club and get very aggressive in defence of their pride and joy.

They also like to tell us in the same posts that 'they run and run for ever' and 'spares are very readily available' which leads me down the patch of comparing them to Trigger's Brush (Only fools and horses)

'This brush was built to last. I've had it for 20 years and it's served me well. They don't make them like they used to. It has had 4 new handles and 8 new heads' ;)

You have been warned :lol:

I've never had a Fluval but don't ilke the look of them. I've never had an Eheim and don't like their garish green colour. I like the Tetratec though and yes spares are readily available for them too!!! Tetratec sent me some when the seals weren't working with no questions asked for free just from a complaining email. I used a fluval internal before the Tetratec and during its leakage period which has never had a problem.

That is an interesting observation, and one I missed :nod: The spares were readily available each time my Ecco bust, but I had to pay if I wanted them quickly, as their warrently repair department was slow and asked loads of questions, usualy insisting on seeing the filter, before actually sending anyting out. A royal PITA IMO. I know Tetratec offer great service if stuff goes wrong, which doesn't happen often now, and that reasures me if I ever get a fault with one of mine :good:

Considering all the other options I think I would probs go for RenaXP next time as many people I have spoken to have given me a good impression about them whereas Eheim owners seem to be overly protective of the brand for some reason when they clearly have experience of having to get spares for their filter that ever goes wrong!!


For some reason, I went through main seal rings on my XP2 like they were going out of fassion. They never failed completely, but they had a habbit of starting to seap a little after every 2-3 cleans... If you get one, get spare seals. Other than that, a good solid filter :nod:

All the best
Member of ehiem owners club here E.O.C

never had a problem with the ehiem's apart from streching the spring on the flow gauge on my 2026 (my fault) no problems with the seals either as long you clean them and keep them lubed up with vaseline every few months

so far i have/had owend Pro 2 2028, 2026, 2026 and a Pro 2222 on my rio 125 what can be a pain to prime but the optional priming kit is worth the extra imho.

tetratec filters are good on a budget, I dont like fluvals either due to the way thay like to leak everywhere with no warning

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