I do not recommend that filter. It happens to be the very type I too had identified as "perfect" but by chance I discovered through discussions that those models have a problem with the temperature sensors not working right if there happens to be any salt in the water. Now I would hardly ever recommend salt and would be very unlikely to use it myself but I can't rule out that I might not want to use it some day for something or that some form of a salt might not find its way in to my tank.
I therefor switched to the non-heater version of the eheim pro (they have matching non-heater version of all the heater models.) And I spliced in a Hydor Inline heater in the output hose. This has turned out to be a fantastic combination, the best of both worlds because the Hydor heater is rock solid at its job. Granted, its a little more hassle rigging a way to hang the heater weight behind the tank but it still accomplishes the main goal of getting all that gear outside of the aquascape and by sending the heated water all over the tank, it eliminates temperature zones.